Search results

  1. Parazitas

    Help help with a basic script

    So asked help , but also upload encrypted file like WTF ...
  2. Parazitas

    Help FPS Jailbreak

    @SobFoX seems like you gotta make separate asi just for FPS Unlock
  3. Parazitas

    Help help with a basic script

    Two steps before opening any not encrypted Cleo file First thing: Second thing:
  4. Parazitas
  5. Parazitas

    Help Block server animations

    You can block or send fake animations, others will see as you mining while you stand
  6. Parazitas

    Make sure you have launched samp with admin permission since cleo need to create settings files...

    Make sure you have launched samp with admin permission since cleo need to create settings files which can be edited later
  7. Parazitas

    Turn on gta sounds, it will play short sounds once enabled or disabled

    Turn on gta sounds, it will play short sounds once enabled or disabled
  8. Parazitas

    Help help pls

    You can actually make c-bug without pressing any keys just by firing xD All you need to do is cancel animation in time and you can c-bug with any weapon
  9. Parazitas
  10. Parazitas

    Help SA-MP Cleo Request (Drive-by Aimbot/No spread)
  11. Parazitas

    Help SA-MP Cleo Request (Drive-by Aimbot/No spread)

    It only drive by + no spread
  12. Parazitas

    Help SA-MP Cleo Request (Drive-by Aimbot/No spread)

    Should Work Fine.
  13. Parazitas

    disable controls while in menu

    Why exactly you need this
  14. Parazitas

    Help REQ - Add an on/off key on this CLEO mod.

  15. Parazitas

    Help auto type when afk

    Press BG to activate like gta cheat code {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA: SAMP_IS_READY WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0B61: samp is_local_player_spawned THEN IF 0ADC: test_cheat "BG" THEN IF 31@ == FALSE THEN 31@ = TRUE 0AD1...
  16. Parazitas

    [CLEO] Some multi-samp snippets

    :SAMPIsLocalPlayerSpawned { IF 0AB1: @SAMPIsLocalPlayerSpawned 0 } IF 0AA2: 31@ = "samp.dll" THEN 0AB1: @get_samp_version_id 0 _returned: ID 27@ IF 27@ > 0 THEN IF 27@ == 1 // 0.3.7 R1 THEN 31@ += 0x21A0F8 // SAMP_INFO_OFFSET 0A8D: 31@...
  17. Parazitas

    Help Is there any mod like this

    Press HD like gta cheat Code
  18. Parazitas

    [CLEO] Some multi-samp snippets

    :RadarAndHudControlOnF7 { 0AB1: @RadarAndHudControlOnF7 1 HideOrShow? TRUE TRUE = Hide only chat FALSE = Hide chat, radar, hud } IF 0AA2: 31@ = "samp.dll" THEN 0AB1: @get_samp_version_id 0 _returned: ID 27@ IF 27@ > 0 THEN IF 27@ == 1 // 0.3.7 R1 THEN...
  19. Parazitas

    Help Cleo %s not print text

    :text wait 0 0B35: samp 0@ = get_last_command_params IF 0AD4: $NOT_USED = scan_string 0@ format "%s" 31@ THEN 0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "your text: %s" color -1 31@ END 0B43: samp cmd_ret
  20. Parazitas

    Help Is there any mod like this

    NOP 1 Byte whit offset 0xC3 samp.dll+ 0x9D310
  21. Parazitas

    Help AutoMinerClicker
  22. Parazitas

    Help request good skin aimbot, auto cbug, fake lags.

    Since clearly you are not satisfied which cheats you have gotten for free.. And most important no one force you to used them... Also..., you not paid anything to use them.. You are not his father or mother to tell him what he need to do... If you continue try to provoke this person.., i will be...
  23. Parazitas

    Help request good skin aimbot, auto cbug, fake lags.

    Stop provoking peoples.. This is not propriete.
  24. Parazitas

    Help AutoMinerClicker

    First thing... Which samp version you are using??
  25. Parazitas

    Help AutoMinerClicker

    Not difficult to make, but it would take from 10min up to 1H if someone willing to make it..
  26. Parazitas

    Help Is there any mod like this

    So where's exactly written for which samp version you need this... We should read your mind?
  27. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Any Updated Version of this?

  28. Parazitas

    LUA Help get all server commands

    "COMMAND" should be your server commands require 'lib.moonloader' function get_commands() local version = getSampVersion() samp10 = getModuleHandle('samp.dll') if version == 1 -- r1 then SAMP_CHAT_INPUT_INFO_OFFSET = samp10 + 0x21A0E8...
  29. Parazitas

    LUA Help get all server commands

    Which samp version?
  30. Parazitas

    LUA Help get all server commands

    You can do that by reading memory.. Edit or rename existing commands etc...
  31. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Reading And Replying Messages Without Sampfuncs

    {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT IF 8256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN 0A93: end_custom_thread END WAIT 1500 UNTIL 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN IF 0AB0: 114 // PRESSED F3 THEN REPEAT WAIT 0...
  32. Parazitas

    Help One simple mod

    {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT IF 8256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN 0A93: end_custom_thread END WAIT 1500 UNTIL 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN 0226: 1@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR health IF 1@ <= 30 THEN...
  33. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Reading And Replying Messages Without Sampfuncs

    Any SAMP {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT IF 8256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN 0A93: end_custom_thread END WAIT 1500 UNTIL 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN 0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size 144 0AC8: 1@ =...
  34. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Reading And Replying Messages Without Sampfuncs

    Opcode 0C29 Requires SAMPFUNC
  35. Parazitas

    Help One simple mod

    I'll do when I get free time
  36. Parazitas

    Help One simple mod

    Which samp version you are using
  37. Parazitas

    Help car stealer

    I assume you have solved this request
  38. Parazitas

    Help Command parameter in dialog text

    0AC8: 29@ = allocate_memory_size 144 // allocate memory to variable for text formating 0AD3: 29@ = format "you typed number: %d" 30@ // format text into allocated variable, 29@ now is text 0B3B: samp show_dialog id 46 caption "Test Dialog" text 29@ button_1 "Close" button_2 "" style 0 0AC9...
  39. Parazitas

    Help Command parameter in dialog text

    {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP repeat wait 0 until 0AFA: SAMP_IS_READY 0B34: samp register_client_command "test" to_label @test while true wait 0 end :test 0B35: samp 31@ = get_last_command_params IF 0AD4: $NOT_USED = scan_string 31@ format "%d" 30@ THEN 0AC8: 29@ = allocate_memory_size 144...
  40. Parazitas

    Help car stealer

    Not Sure if These cars have unique number plate, but there's few ways: 1. Find by car model 2. Find By car number plate
  41. Parazitas

    Help Cleo - SAMPFUNCS | How to create command arguments

    {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA: 0B34: samp register_client_command "say" to_label @cmd_mycmd WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 END :cmd_mycmd 0B35: samp 31@ = get_last_command_params IF 0AD4: $NOT_USED = scan_string 31@ format "%s" 30@ THEN 0AF9: samp say_msg "Hello %s!" 30@ END 0B43: samp...
  42. Parazitas

    Help car stealer

    It's simple Script. Which language you are looking to make it? Ceo, lua , c++ etc..
  43. Parazitas

    Help How can i make a "menu" like this

    0B3B: samp show_dialog
  44. Parazitas

    Help how to increased view distance of this custom nametag

    Well if it's custom that means it's not coming from samp itself. What ever you are using you need to modify source from where nametag coming..
  45. Parazitas

    Help SetVehicleVelocity

    What about spamming W or UP ARROW?
  46. Parazitas

    Help SA-MP Admin Access

    There's big vulnerability with dialogs with R1-R4 samp versions where some server owners take advantage and reads all your game information, but in some cases, server owners can even install malicious malware. Recomended to use R5 to avoid any of that happening.
  47. Parazitas

    Help How to remove player collision?

    Player Collision {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT IF 8256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN 0A93: end_custom_thread END WAIT 1500 UNTIL 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN 0A8D: 29@ = read_memory 0xB74490 size 4 virtual_protect 0...
  48. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Any Updated Version of this?

    Edited code. So copy code and compile. Also speed is controlled by Press SPACEBAR + UP ARROW OR DOWN ARROW
  49. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Any Updated Version of this?

    Oh, right forget to add checking before call drive to, will do after job.
  50. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Any Updated Version of this?

    Magic in the air :eek: {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT IF 8256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN 0A93: end_custom_thread END WAIT 1500 UNTIL 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined 0AC8: 31@ = allocate_memory_size 1024 0AD3: 31@ = string_format "jobbot" 0AC7: 30@ = var 30@ pointer 0AC7: 29@ = var 29@...
  51. Parazitas

    CLEO Help cleo automatically mark the red checkpoints Ready to use sanny builder. Also make sure you have settings set to " As is "
  52. Parazitas

    CLEO Help cleo automatically mark the red checkpoints

    I asume you are using some kind .asi which works when you mark on radar, please provide that asi in order to test and make code to work fully. Check Point: Race Check Point...
  53. Parazitas

    CLEO getCollisionBetweenPoints

    :getCollisionBetweenPoints { 0AB1: @getCollisionBetweenPoints 18 from 0@ 1@ 2@ to 3@ 4@ 5@ solid 1 car 1 actor 1 object 1 particle 1 cartyre 1 bikers 0 water 0 DeadPeds 0 see_through 0 camera_objects 0 shoot_through 0 store_to 6@ 7@ 8@ distance_to 9@ entity_to 10@ 0A8E: 11@ = 10@ +...
  54. Parazitas

    CLEO getAimPoint

    :getAimPoint { 0AB1: @getAimPoint 0 _Returned: camera_to 4@ 5@ 6@ point_to 7@ 8@ 9@ } 0470: 31@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon 31@ *= 0x70 // BLOCK_SIZE_OFFSET 31@ += 0xC8AAB8 // CWEAPON_INFO_OFFSET 31@ += 0x8 // WEAPON_RANGE_OFFSET 0A8D: 31@ = read_memory 31@ size 4 virtual_protect 1...
  55. Parazitas


    :GET_CAMERA_FACING_ANGLES //0AB1: @GET_CAMERA_FACING_ANGLES 0 Z_AND_Y 0@ 1@ 00A0: store_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR position_to 1@ 2@ 3@ 0AA6: call_method 0x514970 struct 0xB6F028 num_params 6 pop 0 0xA49994 0xA499A0 3@ 2@ 1@ 20.0 0AB1: call_scm_func @getYAngleBetweenPoints_ULKXK 6 from_XYZ $13 $14...
  56. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Auto Checkpoint Driver
  57. Parazitas

    Untagged Release CheckPoint Seeking Driver

    Updated. Can be used with any samp version. Press like gta cheat code: ADB
  58. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Auto Checkpoint Driver

    I will work on it. It will be released in next two weeks
  59. Parazitas

    Help I need dеathmatch textures that dont drop fps

    Not very clear what exactly you looking for. Since you didn't provide any pictures or proper explanation. It's same as saying i wanna be bigger
  60. Parazitas

    SAMP Get Player ID Using Actor Handle

    :SAMPGetPlayerIDByActorHandle { 0.3.7 R5 IF 0AB1: @SAMPGetPlayerIDByActorHandle 1 _ActorHandle 0@ _Returned: ID 31@ } IF 0AA2: 31@ = loadlib "samp.dll" // GET_SAMP_BASE THEN 31@ += 0x26EB94 // SAMP_INFO_OFFSET[0] 0A8D: 31@ = read_memory 31@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 // SAMP_INFO...
  61. Parazitas

    SAMP Get Player ID Using Actor Handle

    :SAMPGetPlayerIDByActorHandle { 0.3.7 R4 - v2 IF 0AB1: @SAMPGetPlayerIDByActorHandle 1 _ActorHandle 0@ _Returned: ID 31@ } IF 0AA2: 31@ = loadlib "samp.dll" // GET_SAMP_BASE THEN 31@ += 0x26EA0C // SAMP_INFO_OFFSET[0] 0A8D: 31@ = read_memory 31@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 //...
  62. Parazitas

    Help How to remove player collision?

    Your own or others?
  63. Parazitas

    SAMP Get Actor Handle Using Player ID

    Provide Server ip and account please. I'm gonna test myself
  64. Parazitas

    CLEO Release cleo_cryptor [Jun 2024 release]

    Downside that it requires decryptor.cleo , which means peoples might not wanna use it. But anyway good job!
  65. Parazitas

    Help Is it possible to use samp.dll to use only command console ?

    Singla Gta Sa doens't have commands. Only why is by making press something.
  66. Parazitas

    Help Is it possible to use samp.dll to use only command console ?

    :registerClientCommand { Credits: Parazitas - UGBASE kawa_operand - BlastHack ajom - UGBASE Usage: 0AC8: 31@ = allocate_memory_size 1024 0AD3: 31@ = string_format "vr" 0AC7: 30@ = var 30@ pointer 0AC7: 29@ = var 29@ pointer 0AB1...
  67. Parazitas

    [CLEO] Some multi-samp snippets

    :SAMPSetActorVisibilityByPlayerID { 0AB1: @SAMPSetActorVisibilityByPlayerID 2 PlayerID 995 VisiblityState 6 // 6 - Player Invisible , 4 - Player Visible 6 - Player Invisible 4 - Player Visible } IF 0AA2: 31@ = loadlib "samp.dll" THEN 0AB1: @get_samp_version_id 0 _returned: ID...
  68. Parazitas

    Help Get player with highest id

    0C8A: samp 31@ = get_max_player_id streamed_only FALSE
  69. Parazitas

    how to convert 0ADC: test_cheat to 0AB0: key_pressed

    Replace word " key_down" With " 0AB0: "
  70. Parazitas

    how to convert 0ADC: test_cheat to 0AB0: key_pressed

    while true wait 0 if 0AB0: 123 // F12 then if 1@ == 0 then 0ACD: show_text_highpriority "Car-HP On." time 1337 018C: play_sound 1083 at 0.0 0.0 0.0 1@ = 1 else 0ACD: show_text_highpriority "Car-HP Off." time 1337 018C: play_sound 1084 at 0.0...
  71. Parazitas

    Help Switch Weapon in Vehicle & Switch Seat in Vehicle

    Possible to make this kind code
  72. Parazitas

    [CLEO] Some snippets

    ** I Present Advanced GUI's For GTA AND SAMP ** Snippets Design to make GUI's For your own Cheats.., All you need is your imagination! ~ NOTE ~: Each Drawing snippet must have different ID when called, do not use same IDs for multiple calls otherwise settings will be overwritten! Make sure you...
  73. Parazitas

    Help Textures.

    Provide Server Details and acc with that kind tunning , so i can do testing..
  74. Parazitas

    Help Textures.

    How do you even get neon on car?? it's server tuning or some cleo / asi code?
  75. Parazitas

    Help Textures.

    Does samp server created them?
  76. Parazitas

    How to kill invisible player?

    Wall Hack?
  77. Parazitas

    Help Auto cmd cleo

    This will send any text on position. Ini file will be created once game launched.
  78. Parazitas

    C / C++ ESP Drawing Limit

    Max streamed ped distance is 300 - 400m
  79. Parazitas

    Help [AHK] gta samp gui auto select

    Alright next time please be more specific when leaving answer
  80. Parazitas


    I see... You renaming text to yours and presenting like you made it, sad... To fix error replace " print " with: " 0AD1: "
  81. Parazitas

    Untagged Release [TuT]-Mats running bot.

    Maybe i will do on Sunday if i not forget
  82. Parazitas

    Help [AHK] gta samp gui auto select

    Try do research about ahk memory reading on Google Https:// Also you never said for which samp version you was trying to make it
  83. Parazitas

    Help Legit Aimbot

    Cleo simple Aimbot
  84. Parazitas

    Help [AHK] gta samp gui auto select

    You could use simple memory reading, to detect when dialog is active
  85. Parazitas

    Help Miner bot by @Fr0Z3n.

    Help with?
  86. Parazitas

    Help I need a cleo

    checkpoint you can get by reading memory information:
  87. Parazitas

    LUA Help visible drawbox with specific weapon

    yes, possible
  88. Parazitas

    Help Miner bot by @Fr0Z3n.

    Make your own
  89. Parazitas

    Help transparent menu, lock mouse 2 monitors

    Let's talk on Discord
  90. Parazitas

    Help Local Animation

    This code will make " Piss " animation visible only for you.. You Must Have SAMPFUNCS.asi {$CLEO .cs} {$INCLUDE SF} 0000: REPEAT WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA: 0BE2: raknet setup_outcoming_packet_hook @Out_Packets WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 END :Out_Packets 0BE5: raknet 10@ = get_hook_param PARAM_PACKETID IF...
  91. Parazitas

    Help Local Animation

    Sunday i will use pc
  92. Parazitas

    Help transparent menu, lock mouse 2 monitors

    I will make small code on Sunday maybe it will fix your problem
  93. Parazitas

    Help transparent menu, lock mouse 2 monitors

    You could keep game all the time unpaused. Also someone could make mouse hovering checking which could help in your situation. Since once mouse would be on gta windows it would get focused.
  94. Parazitas

    Help What am I doing wrong?

    Using phone i made this: {$CLEO .cs} 0000: While True wait 0 If 0AB0: key_pressed 123 Then 0332: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR bleeding 1 End End
  95. Parazitas

    Help Where can i find SAMP opcodes?

    Use opcode search in sanny builder which was provided
  96. Parazitas

    Help Help with player radius/distance idk

    Sever owner started using streamer plugins, which checks your distance and only when you are close object / pickup will be created
  97. Parazitas

    Help Local Animation

    Where's original source? Which samp version you are using?
  98. Parazitas

    Help Where can i find SAMP opcodes?

    Here's ready to use Sanny Builder:
  99. Parazitas

    Help transparent menu, lock mouse 2 monitors

    You should try version which I didn't touch and open map to see if it works
  100. Parazitas

    Help transparent menu, lock mouse 2 monitors

    Test it.