Search results

  1. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Chat ID's

    Simple script... {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT     WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA:  is_samp_available // MAKE THE CLEO ONLY WORK IF SAMPFUNCS IS LOADED WHILE TRUE     WAIT 0     0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size 260 // ALLOCATE MEMORY FOR THE CHAT STRING     0AB1: @GETCHATENTRYTEXT 1 id 99 to 0@ // THIS IS A...
  2. Parazitas

    CLEO Help SMS

      You saying true, thanks for inform.
  3. Parazitas

    CLEO Help SMS

    Create snippet with this or something like that , maybe somebody  else need this. P.S. work only ' function scanf directly by legend2360 ' Thanks all. @noob213 @supahdupahnubah @monday
  4. Parazitas

    CLEO Help SMS

    Still same samp freeze... I trying get player name when i write player id and send msg... {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP REPEAT   WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA:  SAMP_IS_READY  0B34: "sms" @Command alloc 4@ 200 alloc 3@ 200 WHILE TRUE   WAIT 0 END :Command 0B35: 0@ = get_last_command_params if  0AD4: 31@ =...
  5. Parazitas

    CLEO Help SMS

    Why samp freeze? {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP REPEAT   WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA:  SAMP_IS_READY  0B34: "sms" @Command alloc 4@ 200 WHILE TRUE   WAIT 0 END :Command 0B35: 0@ = get_last_command_params if 0AD4: 31@ = scan_string 0@ format "%d %s" 1@ 4@ //IF and SET then 2@ =...
  6. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Question

    So if i create bat file... how i put dialog editbox text in the bat file... and send to email? I trying create email in game , just aswering to email when playing samp.
  7. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Stop crashing nametag

    just try
  8. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Stop crashing nametag

    You tried this?
  9. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Question

    Maybe you can explane more? , i dont understand how use that :(   @monday  {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP repeat wait 50 until 0AFA: is_samp_structures_available 0A9A: 1@ = openfile "file.bat" mode "wt+"  // IF and SET alloc 2@ 500 format 2@ "$EmailFrom ="  // 'pic.jpg' is...
  10. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Question

    Possible send msg to email with sany builder (Cleo) ? How to do that? @monday @springfield @supahdupahnubah @0x32789 @ini
  11. Parazitas

    CLEO Help About Dialog

    Solved , just need allocate memory. @monday
  12. Parazitas

    CLEO Help About Dialog

    Who can explane how i can get current dialog editbox text? I mean i want get my enter text in this " 0AF8: " ... @monday @springfield
  13. Parazitas

    SAMP 0.3.7 R2
  14. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Stop crashing nametag

    For me all cleo work good on samp r2 with sampfuncs
  15. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Skipped Code

    Hmmm, simple code, but you doing mess. I make this for you, wait... @ItsRobinson Edit.: {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP REPEAT wait 0 UNTIL 0AFA: 0B34: ".lockpicks" @CMD /// ACTIVATE and DE - ACTIVE with same command 0AC8: 2@ = allocate_memory_size 258 0AC8: 3@ = allocate_memory_size 258 WHILE...
  16. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Question

    1. Why  killometers bug all cleo code? 2. Why i get wrong car speed? {$CLEO} 0000: NOP REPEAT wait 0 UNTIL 0AFA: 0B34: "carinfo" @CarInformative 0AC8: 7@ = allocate_memory_size 260  /// Car name 0AC8: 8@ = allocate_memory_size 260  /// Gass 0AC8: 9@ = allocate_memory_size 260  /// Speed...
  17. Parazitas

    CLEO Help autoactivate cleos?

    You can create Cleo to activate all cleo with command , all cleo must have command...
  18. Parazitas

    Untagged Release [PRIVATE] Vehicle Path Recording RELEASE

    You can edit it your selft.
  19. Parazitas

    CLEO Release NG:RP Cheat Menu

    Simple , but good. Good luck to learning more.
  20. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Question

    How i can detect car distance traveled kilometers? I mena start point is when i sit in car and driving, end point is when i left car. After then kilometers restart. It's like kilometers recorder. @supahdupahnubah @Springfield @Monday
  21. Parazitas

    CLEO Help FuncProtector

    I have it.
  22. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Problem

    What wrong here ? Why don't work call ? {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP REPEAT wait 0 UNTIL 0AFA: WHILE TRUE wait 0 IF 00DF:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving THEN     0@ = Actor.CurrentCar($PLAYER_ACTOR)          IF     Car.Model(0@) == #INFERNUS     THEN         05AA: 1@s = 'INFERNUS' // @s =...
  23. Parazitas

    CLEO Help dialog problem

    @HowEnCokkien {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP REPEAT   WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA:  SAMP_IS_READY 0B34: "dialog" @toggle WHILE TRUE   WAIT 0     IF 24@ == TRUE THEN     0AC6: 25@ = label @SHOW_DIALOG offset     0B3B: samp show_dialog id 998 caption "Dialog Title" text 25@ button_1 "OK" button_2...
  24. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Car Boom
  25. Parazitas

    CLEO Help disconnected/connection player

    You can create it !
  26. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Dialog Active Panel Selection?!

    {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT    WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA:  SAMP_IS_READY 0B34: "dialog" @toggle WHILE TRUE    WAIT 0     IF 24@ == TRUE THEN      0AC6: 25@ = label @SHOW_DIALOG offset      0B3B: samp show_dialog id 998 caption "Dialog Title 2" text 25@ button_1 "OK" button_2 "CLOSE" style 2      24@...
  27. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Remove last symbol from text

    Maybe somebody can tell me how remove last symbol from word? I mean.: 0AD4: $NOT_USED = 0@ format "Hello %s" 2@v So...,   %s  is something like " Worldc " How remove from %s last symbol     " c "  ??? @supahdupahnubah @monday @springfield
  28. Parazitas

    CLEO Release Auto KeyBind
  29. Parazitas

    About SAMP-RP FISH BOT :: Wait time changer, how?

    All servers have diferent fish system , show your system...
  30. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Truck

    Maybe know how to make Anti-uncoupling trailer cleo ? @Springfield etc...
  31. Parazitas

    CLEO Help dialog

    Hi, it's very simple... {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP     REPEAT     WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA:  SAMP_IS_READY WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0B3C: samp is_dialog_responded id 1000 button 2@ list_item 3@ input_text 0 THEN     IF AND     2@ == 1     3@ == 1     THEN         CALL @PIZZA 0     END                    ...
  32. Parazitas

    CLEO Help dialog response

    So code just always repeat , try undestand it . {$CLEO .cs} 0000:     REPEAT     WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA:  SAMP_IS_READY   0B34: "dialog" @toggle   WHILE TRUE     WAIT 0      IF 23@ == TRUE THEN       0AC6: 16@ = label @Dialog_1 offset       0B3B: samp show_dialog id 999 caption "Dialog Title 1"...
  33. Parazitas

    [HELP]Run and Sprint path recorder

    Take and good luck, i just little edit it, added if any dialog active then don't work fake walk. Commands.: "play" "stopplay" "record" "stoprecord" Credits.: @Opcode.eXe [Vehicle recoding default code] @SpexxTr0n [not sure for him] >> >> @springfield know better.
  34. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Question

    Hi. Who can tell me how detect and remove this cigar from hand with cleo?
  35. Parazitas

    CLEO Help how to do this

      Not "print" , but "printf"
  36. Parazitas

    CLEO Help smooth camera.

    Download.: 1. Sanny Builder 2 Install Sb data 3. Run sanny Builder 4. Check IGNORE_UNKNOW 5. put SmootCamera.cs in sanny builder 6 Find "test cheat" or 0AB0: 7. edit it..
  37. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Help with Dialog close.

    Look ! {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- 0000: NOP REPEAT wait 0 UNTIL samp.Available() Dialog.Create(0@, "Zin's NOP Master") Dialog.SetRECT(0@, 0, 290, 260, 290) Dialog.AddCheckBox(0@, 1, "SetPos", 0, 0, 200, 40) Dialog.AddCheckBox(0@, 2, "RemoveFromVeh", 0, 45, 200, 40)...
  38. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Question

    I trying get CLIENT MESSAGE text color, do you know where is problem? {$CLEO} {$INCLUDE SF} 0000: REPEAT WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA: SAMP_IS_READY 0BE3: raknet setup_incoming_rpc_hook @in_rpc while true wait 0 end :in_rpc 0BE5: raknet 0@ = get_hook_param PARAM_PACKETID if...
  39. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Textdraw

    TXD Finder Use - In server say "/txd" Simple code do something when you know textdraw id {$CLEO .cs} 0000:     REPEAT    WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA:  SAMP_IS_READY 1@ = 45 // 45 is textdraw .. , change and pust your id.   WHILE TRUE    WAIT 0       if 0C5D: samp textdraw 1@ is_exists   then      ...
  40. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Textdraw

    Get textdraw id: {$CLEO .cs} 0000:     REPEAT    WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA:  SAMP_IS_READY   0B34: "txd" @textdraw   WHILE TRUE    WAIT 0 END     :textdraw 0B35: 0@ for 1@ = 0 to 2304   if 0C5D: samp textdraw 1@ is_exists   then       alloc 2@ = 1024       0C5A: samp textdraw 1@ get_string_to 2@      ...
  41. Parazitas

    CLEO Help verification hack?

    Maybe text is good , very small picture .... {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP REPEAT wait 0 UNTIL 0AFA:   WHILE TRUE wait 0 IF 0B4C:  samp is_dialog_active -1 THEN     wait 200     alloc 1@ 512 //alloc     0BD7: 1@ //get text     IF     0ad4: $NOT_USED = scan 1@ "likucajte sledeci kod: %d" 2@   ...
  42. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Question

    I know this already , me need know with RPC !
  43. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Question

    So i just want know... , possible with rcp detect chat text color and do with it checks... ? If possible can explane how? @0B36 @0x32789 @springfield @Opcode.eXe @monday
  44. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Advanced GUI's in CLEO ( Not dialogs )

    @monday @Opcode.eXe @springfield
  45. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Help.

    Thanks , this me need.
  46. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Help.

  47. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Help.

    Can somebody explane how to make every time presing get different active. simple explane - not working.. {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT  WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA:  SAMP_IS_READY   WHILE TRUE  WAIT 0    IF  0AB0: 101 {NUM 5}  THEN      0@ = TRUE       IF       0AB0: 101 {NUM 5}       THEN           0@ =...
  48. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Problem

    So i change to not be same , bet get same shet....
  49. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Problem

    What wrong here? Why work only one time? {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT  WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA:  SAMP_IS_READY  0B34: "REPEAT" @Repeat WHILE TRUE  WAIT 0    IF  30@ == TRUE THEN     0B35: samp 0@ = get_last_command_params     IF               0AD4: $PLAYER_CHAR = scan_string 0@ format "%s %d %d" 1@v...
  50. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Is it possible?

    1. I can't find this in sanny builer.:  get_actor_position 2. actor_outside_of_stream - you mean ?.: 0B2F: samp get_streamed_out_player_pos 1@ to 2@ 3@ 4@ @springfield
  51. Parazitas

    CLEO Release Anti Weapon Reset - Drive-by with guns in RP/DM servers?!

    Nice , good luck to learning more about RPC.
  52. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Is it possible?

    Can more explane? You mean "Actor defined"?
  53. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Is it possible?

    Text Draw Finder {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA: SAMP_IS_READY 0B34: "txd" @textdraw WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 END :textdraw 0B35: 0@ for 1@ = 0 to 2304 if 0C5D: samp textdraw 1@ is_exists then alloc 2@ = 1024 0C5A: samp textdraw 1@ get_string_to 2@...
  54. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Sannybuilder Error

  55. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Sannybuilder Error

    And this...
  56. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Sannybuilder Error

  57. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Is it possible?

    Make to me picture...
  58. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Need help with this server

    Make video , i'am not sure understand what you want..
  59. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Need help with this server

    7@ <= 6.0 /// If distance smaller 6 then... , max 300. you must change distance... to biger etc..
  60. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Dialog

  61. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Dialog

    How i can detect this dialog text form dialog list item? 0BD7:  don't work... I want get dialog text in 0AF8: and then do checks with 0C29: @monday @springfield @supahdupahnubah @Opcode.eXe
  62. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Loading our texture ?

    @monday @springfield @supahdupahnubah @Opcode.eXe
  63. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Need help with this server

    I think is server side , but you can use "get all streamed players" to detect all players . {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA: SAMP_IS_READY WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 056D: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR defined THEN WAIT 0 // GET ALL STREAMED PEDS 0A8D: 29@ =...
  64. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Dialog

    Explane.: 0AB1: @FAKE_KEYPRESS_GUI_DOWN 1 _OFFSET_KEY_ 0x1E {Enter} // Spamp Gui paspaudimas [Migtukas þemyn] :FAKE_KEYPRESS_GUI_DOWN 1@ = 0xB73458 005A: 1@ += 0@ // (int) 0B49: samp set_current_dialog_list_item 1 0AB2: ret 0
  65. Parazitas

    CLEO Release Weapons Detector [0.3.7]

    So you use .: 0AD2: 0491: 0ACC: then add all weapons id and give them names. Good.
  66. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Add samp chat msg to all streamed players

    Maybe know how to make Anti-uncoupling trailer cleo ? And Anti-uncoupling trailer when teleporting with truck ?
  67. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Add samp chat msg to all streamed players

    i dont say with 0af8 i just say like this ...
  68. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Add samp chat msg to all streamed players

    Me destination is send msg when me nick name not see in msg text... So i say again need like this.: 0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat 1@ color 2@ But must see streamed player etc..
  69. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Add samp chat msg to all streamed players

    So , i want know.. possible add samp msg to all streamed players? I mean like this.: 0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat 1@ color 2@ this msg must see all streamed players.. else Maybe know how to make Anti-uncoupling trailer cleo ? And Anti-uncoupling trailer when teleporting with truck ...
  70. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Wrong result....

    Here is public code if you can understand this , then you can learning little about cleo etc....
  71. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Wrong result....

    How fix it? Do you know?
  72. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Wrong result....

    INI: [Paprastas Ginklas] Kaina=1000 [Paslaugos Ginklas] Kaina=2000 [Nalogo Ginklas] Kaina=3000 [P + N Ginklas] Kaina=4000 Code: {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT     WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA:  SAMP_IS_READY  0B34: "dialog" @Skaiciuokle 0AC8: 24@ = allocate_memory_size 260 alloc 10@ 200 WHILE TRUE    ...
  73. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Wrong result....

    @springfield @monday know where is problem?
  74. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Help

    here.. {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA: SAMP_IS_READY 0B34: "night" @Night WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 END :Night 01B6: set_weather 10 /// Perfect weather 00C0: set_current_time_hours_to 1 minutes_to 10 /// 1 Hour 10 mins 0B43:
  75. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Timer help

    Working good... Press and hold numpad 1
  76. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Wrong result....

    I get wrong result.. Maybe know why? IF  19@ == 1 // OK button THEN     IF      20@ == 0     THEN          0AF0: 24@ = get_int_from_ini_file "Cleo\INI\Ginlu Kainos.ini" section "Paprastas Ginklas" key "Kaina"         006A: 24@ *= 9@         say "/pg %d %d %d" 8@ 9@ 24@         0AF8: "/pg %d %d...
  77. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Get Dialog Numbers

    Big thanks for you guys. @monday @springfield
  78. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Help Creating a cleo

    This website best for learn something..
  79. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Help Creating a cleo

    Request is closed... But i can help you... If i correctly understand you, here is code.: {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT     WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA:  SAMP_IS_READY  WHILE TRUE     WAIT 0               IF AND     key_down  2 {Right Mouse}     key_down 66 {B Key}     THEN         IF 0AD2: 0@ = player...
  80. Parazitas

    Your post is under moderation! what does it even mean?

    It's mean somebody moderating / editing your most now...
  81. Parazitas

    CLEO Help / Q when connecting specific players

    Cleo/INI/Players.ini File name: Players.ini File inside.: [Players] PlayerName1=Big_Stick PlayerName2= PlayerName3= PlayerName4= PlayerName5= PlayerName6= PlayerName7= PlayerName8= PlayerName9= PlayerName10= Cleo code.: {$CLEO .cs} 0000:       REPEAT    WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA:  SAMP_IS_READY    ...
  82. Parazitas

    Untagged Release [PRIVATE] Vehicle Path Recording RELEASE

    This cleo don't have more record, but it's can be updated to unlimited path.
  83. Parazitas

    Small question.

    Don't have time update :/ i working 10 - 14h in day , so i just take your code and tried help him.
  84. Parazitas

    CLEO Help [HELP] simple cleo mod (it's easy)

    show what you found.
  85. Parazitas

    Small question.

    This is not request section , but i missed 5mins my life time for you... {$CLEO .cs} 0000:       REPEAT    WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA:  SAMP_IS_READY  alloc 2@ 32 format 2@ "Drug Production" //dialog title to detect    while true wait 0 if 0B4C: samp is_dialog_active -1 then     alloc 3@ 256        ...
  86. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Get Dialog Numbers

    Sorry if i ignore you, i just trying understand all this codes . Thanks you for trying help to me. @monday
  87. Parazitas

    Small question.

    Code length is the same for all time?
  88. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Get Dialog Numbers

    So i try do something , you think is good? {$CLEO .cs} 0000:       REPEAT    WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA:  SAMP_IS_READY  WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0B4C:  samp is_dialog_active -1 THEN    alloc 1@ 512 //alloc    0BD7: 1@ //get text    IF    0ad4: 2@ = scan 1@ "%s %s %s %s %s %s%c %s %s %s %s %s %s %s second...
  89. Parazitas

    CLEO Help / Q when connecting specific players

    One time i creating something similar like you want..., so i edited and here is code....  {$CLEO .cs} 0000:     REPEAT    WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA:  SAMP_IS_READY    0AC8: 3@ = allocate_memory_size 260     WHILE TRUE    WAIT 0      IF 0B61:  samp is_local_player_spawned THEN    0AF4: 3@ =...
  90. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Get Dialog Numbers

    Yes.  1. If word is "First" then need find from all text first number and then put in dialog. 2. If word is "Second" then need find from all text sencond number not first and then put in dialog. I mean.: " Hell2o I'a3m" So then need only number "3". 3. If word is "Last" then need find...
  91. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Get Dialog Numbers

    Hi , can somebody help me? Need explane how i can take all number from this dialog text? @supahdupahnubah @monday and others... Numbers every time change places!  Sometimes need input first number or sometimes need input second number or sometimes need input then...
  92. Parazitas

    Small question.

    Make video.
  93. Parazitas


    RE: VWH-RP Auto Fisher [SAMPFUNCS] [WORKS FOR CURRENT SYSTEM ONLY] Give video or something... [hr] @0x32789 1. Very useful. 2. Thanks for source , now i can finally finish my Fish Bot and fix bugs / removing chat text detect. .
  94. Parazitas


    RE: VWH-RP Auto Fisher [SAMPFUNCS] [WORKS FOR CURRENT SYSTEM ONLY] Give video or something... [hr] @0x32789 1. Very useful. 2. Thanks for source , now i can finally finish my Fish Bot and fix bugs / removing chat text detect. .
  95. Parazitas

    CLEO Help i wanna build a chat cleo

    So , what you waiting? Build !
  96. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Get the closest ID ( PROBLEM )

    So code work for you?
  97. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Get the closest ID ( PROBLEM )

    Show code and pictures upload to
  98. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Get the closest ID ( PROBLEM )

    Maybe try cleo 4.3
  99. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Get the closest ID ( PROBLEM )

    Add in code this 0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat 1@ color 2@ then you see what cleo say when you do this... this same like @Monday , but maybe work for you {$CLEO .cs} 0000:     REPEAT     WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA:  SAMP_IS_READY      WHILE TRUE     WAIT 0    IF 056D:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR defined ...
  100. Parazitas

    CLEO Release [0.3.7] Anti Alt-Tab by Mogaika

    And then if admin say go to afk then use fake esc :D