Search results

  1. A

    [First Cleo's] Weapons.

    Simple cleo's i made. If you want heavy weapons download Heavy in the attachment and if you want light weapons download Light. Heavy weapons press F5 and you'll get: Sniper Deagle Shotgun AK47 Light weapons press F12 and you'll get: Colt45 Rfile Shotgun Enjoy!
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    CLEO Help How do I do this?

    ill fuck your mother harder than the time i fucked her to give birth to an ugly piece of shit like you, you're a fucking waste of semen // user has been warned for this action
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    CLEO Help How do I do this?

    thanks for your fucking help. get lost kid, im asking for help because i dont know how
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    CLEO Help How do I do this?

    doesnt work ^^ im playing on screen 800x600
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    CLEO Help How do I do this?

    How can I do that if I type up a command my entire screen will go black ingame like /blindfold in some servers. Is that possible with cleo? I also need the command to turn it off please.
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    Default health & armor bar?

    Is there a way to toggle it? I tried F10 100 times it doesn't work. Is there a cleo that could hide it?
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    CLEO Help How do I make a timer?

    I did it. Lock and Archive.
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    CLEO Help How do I make a timer?

    How do I make a simple 2 minutes timer that writes /pika every 2 minutes when I press N. And it stops writing it when I press Y.
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    CLEO Help How do I make this?

    When I aim with a gun on someone it pulls up a textdraw on my screen writing his name and then it removes it when I stop aiming
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    CLEO Help How do I remove 1 weapon the one in my hand?

    If that's the cmd why is this saying unknown directive deagledd it is giving me an error about the name {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- thread 'TPTER' 0662: NOP "XZYTRO SAYS HI" wait 10 Model.Load(#MICRO_UZI) 038B: load_requested_models  :NONAME_28 wait 10 if and  ...
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    CLEO Help How do I remove 1 weapon the one in my hand?

    Please I need the function to it.
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    CLEO Help Help me

    :angry: :kidding: :bawww: :celeral_guy: :celeral_spitting: :challenge_accepted: :challenge_completed: :computer_guy: :dont_care: :excited_troll: :face_palm: :forever_opcode_alone: :forever_hurra: :fuck_yea: :fuck_you: :hellno: :iknowwhatyoudid: :imoverit: :lol: :looky: :me_gusta: :motherofgod_...
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    CLEO Help Help! auto_getmats.cs

    Provide the correct link please.
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    FS Hunter, by Strike

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    FS + MAP Prison

    Great mapping! i'm using it for my server
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    Simple cheating gamemode

    Simple but nice.
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    BasicGM by Dem0n [OPEN SOURCE]

    :urtheman: Good job!
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    CLEO Release Ignite & Auto-Eject

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    need help

    You must use a marker SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer. As for the request you want us to script you can request that in the sa-mp forums they have a request script topic there. Glad i could help! Sincerely, Afandimi.
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    CLEO Release New swim.cs makes you swim faster without fps 20!

    You can detect someones FPS in sa-mp easily my friend. stock GetPlayerFPS(playerid) {     SetPVarInt(playerid, "DrunkL", GetPlayerDrunkLevel(playerid));     if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "DrunkL") < 100) SetPlayerDrunkLevel(playerid, 2000);     else {         if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "LDrunkL") !=...
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    How to hack a mobile phone?

    Do not ask this kinda questions here it will result in that the owner of that phone sues us for it, this is a hacking site yes but it's hacking for a game not a phone or any other device. To be L&A.
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    CLEO Help Please help me this is really important

    When i do that i get over a dozen of Warning: (s007) and then bla bla what's that about? EDIT: It also dosen't TP me when i use the commands and when i have already done sumsink..
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    CLEO Release Skin-Aimbot.cs - without 180° spin

    Wow it's so accurate, sweet! great job.
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    CLEO Release ~Infinite Run~ SA-MP

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    CLEO Help Please help me this is really important

    thing it just dosent work.
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    Help Change name's color ?

    Is it possible to change your name color and everyone can see it like in pawn it is SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0x00000000); // Black
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    CLEO Release [First Cleo's] Weapons.

    It supports cleo 4.1 only, you must be doing something wrong to get it crashing for you.
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    Help Is there anyway to make a gethere cleo command?

    Can you get a player to your position using /gethere id in cleo? is that possible
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    Help me about SBData

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    Help me about SBData

    Installation: - Paste the file "SAMPFUNCS v3.1.asi" into the folder with San Andreas. I did that and it gives me an error that the plugin SAMPFUNCS v3.1.asi is not loading mind telling me what the fuck thats about.....?
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    Help me about SBData

    And in every one of them nobody got all the files you dicksucking little faggot.
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    Help me about SBData

    Alright give me one site where i can download it including all the files.
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    CLEO Release Cleo-Commander (with logmenu)

    Dosen't work, i crash.
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    Help me about SBData

    I'm not hiding from the obvious, you are. Since when is google translating accurate? get your facts straight then you can start  an arguement.
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    CLEO Release [First Cleo's] Weapons.

    Simple cleo's i made. If you want heavy weapons download Heavy in the attachment and if you want light weapons download Light. Heavy weapons press F5 and you'll get: Sniper Deagle Shotgun AK47 Light weapons press F12 and you'll get: Colt45 Rfile Shotgun Enjoy!
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    Help me about SBData

    Google Translate is like 10 % accurate and what the fuck are you gagging about huh?
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    Help me about SBData

    I told you that i don't know russian you malformed non intelligenced little prick, i can see that your IQ is below zero from the shit you just posted.
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    Help me about SBData

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    Help me about SBData

    Please give me the 0.3z sampfuncs sb data i can't find it!
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    CLEO Release [/.SPEC] Spectate Players

    Dude please i'm begging you just give me the file
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    CLEO Release [/.SPEC] Spectate Players

    Mind telling me how i'm supposed to know that language?
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    CLEO Release [/.SPEC] Spectate Players

    DUDE all i get is SAMPFUNCS v3.0.cleo when i download it ---.---
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    CLEO Release [/.SPEC] Spectate Players

    If i do that it will say that it's a unknown opcode .. that line where you told me to change the command
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    CLEO Release [/.SPEC] Spectate Players

    How do you change the command name like i don't want it to be /.spec i want it to be /spec tell me how don't go make it please.
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    CLEO Release [/.SPEC] Spectate Players

    How do you change the command name like i don't want it to be /.spec i want it to be /spec tell me how don't go make it please.