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  1. H

    CLEO Help Rework code from 0.3.7 R1 to 0.3.7 R4

    I could ask you to send the entire sanny builder folder, I would like the settings you have, thank you
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    CLEO Help Rework code from 0.3.7 R1 to 0.3.7 R4

    Great, it works, but I found another problem when I try to compile the file so it throws me away Unknown directive {$USE bitwise}. Unknown directive {$USE ini}. don't know how to solve it?
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    CLEO Help Rework code from 0.3.7 R1 to 0.3.7 R4

    Thank you very much.
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    CLEO Help Rework code from 0.3.7 R1 to 0.3.7 R4

    even after increasing the size, the problem is still the same, mainly it's weird that it worked on 0.3.7 r1 and it doesn't work on 0.3.7 r4, this one line
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    CLEO Help Rework code from 0.3.7 R1 to 0.3.7 R4

    if there is no variable in the row, it displays everything
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    CLEO Help Rework code from 0.3.7 R1 to 0.3.7 R4

    I tried it and found out that there is a problem in this line but I don't know where, when I gave %d instead of %s so it wrote me in lines at least the letter D, but nothing more, so there is an error somewhere in this line 0AD3: $myvarghjk2 = format "%s %c%s %c%s %c%s %c%s %c%s %c%s %c%s %c%s...
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    CLEO Help Rework code from 0.3.7 R1 to 0.3.7 R4

    only this ... Warning(s007): Exception 0xC0000005 at 0x3BE0010
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    CLEO Help Rework code from 0.3.7 R1 to 0.3.7 R4

    I tried to rework my code what worked on me on 0.3.7 R1 worked on 0.3.7 R4, but there I only see this but it should look like this
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    CLEO Help Speed limit - 0.3.7-R4

    Hi, the game doesn't crash me anymore, but the speed limit doesn't work.
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    CLEO Help Speed limit - 0.3.7-R4

    hi, i needed to write a speed limit of 17 and in order to turn it on and off, I put a show text in there to let me write when the limit is on, but I don't know why, it always crashes right after I start the game {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- 0001: wait 2000 ms 0006: 0@ = 0 if...
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    CLEO Help Draw text on 0.3.7-R4

    the game only crashes when I put this piece of code in the script
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    CLEO Help Draw text on 0.3.7-R4

    Hi, I'm having trouble displaying draw text on 0.3.7-R4 when I turn on gta right off, on 0.3.7-R1 it was functioning normally, probably an error in offsets. Please help 03F0: enable_text_draw 1 033F: set_text_draw_letter_size 0.2 1.0 081C: draw_text_outline 1 RGBA 0 0 0 255 060D...
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    CLEO Help player's feet on the ground

    I don't know if I understand you correctly, but if you want the script to work for you when you're only on the ground, use it. for if you are out of the vehicle 0818: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_air for if you are in a vehicle 01F3: not car $HJ_PLAYER_CAR in_air
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    Hi, I had exactly the same problem a few days back. The problem was that I put variables in one script that were not Local, but were Global. Try overwriting the variable from $ var, etc... to 0@, 1@, 2@, etc...
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    CLEO Help hit info

    Yeah sorry, I forgot to delete it, but that's not the problem. I have sampfuncs, 0.3.7 - R1 and cleo 4.1 and it doesn't work, it doesn't write a message in the chat after someone shot me as much as I took. modified the code here so that there are no such errors that you wrote about
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    CLEO Help hit info

    Hi, I'm working on reworking this script, so if he shoots you, he'll write in the chat how much he took from you. But I can't, here's the code, someone look at it. {$CLEO} 0000: NOP repeat wait 50 until...
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    CLEO Help Player info in radius

    I have this code which was originally on an HP vehicle, but there is probably a mistake somewhere in it because I don't want to display anything on the screen. Can anyone look at this, please? // This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG...
  18. H

    CLEO Help Player info in radius

    Hi, I would like a script that will work similarly to the HP car, but I would like it on the player, it will take my position, in the radius of 50m around me it will find the player and display it in their position their ID, ping and HP. Does anyone know how to write this? I would appreciate it...
  19. H

    CLEO Help Getting text from a listitem

    thank you, but where do I specify the dialog id, style and caption? furthermore, if I understand it, it works if I have an open dialog, I need to get data from the specified dialog even though the dialog is not open and even though I play normally.
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    CLEO Help Getting text from a listitem

    Hi, I would like to ask if you know anyone how to get the listit text of item 27 in the dialog which has id 1453 and style 4 and the caption "missions" dialog. I need the data to get to me all the time so that I don't have to have the dialogue open or have to confirm it, I just need it to get it...
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    CLEO Help Variable text equals a preset

    Yes I use sampfuncs.
  22. H

    CLEO Help Variable text equals a preset

    @ajom I'm sorry, I said it wrong, I need it as a condition, I use DialogRespond and I need InputText to equal "Hello". I use it: :isDialogResponded { 0.3.7 - R1 0AB1: @isDialogResponded 0 _Returned: ID 0@ Type 1@ ListboxItem 2@ Button 3@ Text 4@ InputText 5@ Caption 6@ LeftButtonText 7@...
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    CLEO Help Variable text equals a preset

    Hi, I need a condition that what is below 10@ is equal to the text "Hello", but I don't know how to do it. Does anyone know how to do this? 10@ == "Hello" // Input text
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    CLEO Help draw text

    hi, i need something again, i am writing a script and i need it to write me the state of lives and HP behind it, like this 100HP 0@ = Actor.Health($PLAYER_ACTOR) I can get my lives, but I can't do this variable 033E: set_draw_text_position 530.0 105.0 GXT 'BJ_PUSH' you don't know how to use a...
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    CLEO Help vehicle speed

    :D I don't know what's wrong with me, but I can't, I could ask someone if you can compile it and send it here
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    CLEO Help vehicle speed

    it doesn't fall anymore but the variable doesn't work, only D writes it, not speed
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    CLEO Help vehicle speed

    hi, i don't know why but this code doesn't work. when I run gta the game hits me and nothing more, it should have been added that I have version 0.3.7
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    CLEO Help vehicle speed

    hi, i need a script to find out the speed of the vehicle.
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    CLEO Help NRG boost

    Hi, I need to write a script that if I'm sitting in an NRG-500(id 522), it's going to repeatedly push the up arrow and thereby boost me if it works while I'm sitting on the NRG-500 and I'm driving at some speed so it doesn't squeeze when I'm standing still.
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    CLEO Help Get vehicle ID

    ok thank you, just a problem how do i get car_handle now? I don't know what it is, please advise how to get it and what it is for
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    CLEO Help Get vehicle ID

    Please how to get the ID of the vehicle I'm sitting in?
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    CLEO Help Please help edit the code

    Hi, I need to display this text for a while, unfortunately it disappears after 500ms because there is another step, is it possible to make a detour to display the draw text? I think it somehow goes through else_jump or goto, but I don't know how to formulate it, I need it like this, but I don't...
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    CLEO Help The script only works when I'm in the vehicle.

    Hi, I need opcode to make my script work only when we are a driver or passenger and when I don't have an open chat. Please help.
  34. H

    [SNIPPET] Create SA:MP Dialog

    Hi, I need that when I select the first line so that it writes the /gps command to the chat and selects 2 lines, and when I select 2 lines it writes /gps and selects 3 lines. Can you please try to write me this? Version samp: 0.3.7 and sampfuncs 5.3.3
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    CLEO Help Swapping between keys

    hi, i need a script to switch between the W and S keys. My plan is to bind IF ELSE to the numerucal 5 button which will hold W until I press numerical 5, at which point I will release W and start holding S, and so on and on to infinity. Here is the code but I'm not concerned, please fix or feel...
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    CLEO Help script to jump to the specified ammo slot

    could you please write it directly into the code?
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    CLEO Help script to jump to the specified ammo slot

    can you please modify this script for me so that when I have a chat turned on, the weapons are not shuffled, as you did above, but there are more slots, and would you not scratch it if I wanted to modify something or add a slot.
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    CLEO Help Need wallhack to 0.3.7

    please help guys
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    CLEO Help Need wallhack to 0.3.7

    Hi, I need a wallhack to 0.3.7, I can't find any functional. Thank you.
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    CLEO Help script to jump to the specified ammo slot

    Could you please make the script pause whenever I write to a chat or dialog table? When the chat is simply open so that the script does not shuffle the weapon.
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    CLEO Help script to jump to the specified ammo slot

    Thank you, but it only works when I'm not in the vehicle, and I need it even when I'm a driver. And if the script could be paused when writing to a chat or dialog table, it would be great.
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    CLEO Help script to jump to the specified ammo slot

    Hi, I need a script when when I press P I switch to ammo slot 3, regardless of whether I am sitting in a vehicle or a pedestrian.
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    CLEO Help ADD draw_texture

    Hi, I need to write a script that will display an image on my gta screen that is not in a normal original game. This is an example of how I want it to look, only I would see it on my screen. (I am adding the file to be added there) Version 0.3DL
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    CLEO Help Help with textured screen

    I wrote it like this and I still can't do it, don't you know why? if so could you please edit the code and write it to me here? {$CLEO .cs} 0000: 0390: load_txd_dictionary "HAIN" 038F: load_texture "PNG" as 32000 // Load dictionary with 0390 first WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 03F0...
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    CLEO Help Help with textured screen

    Hi, I need to write this script to have this image on the minimap at the bottom left - Under the code HAIN.png I have code that I think should work but doesn't work, please help me. {$CLEO .cs} thread "TXD" :TXD_7 wait 0 if Player.Defined($PLAYER_CHAR) else_jump @TXD_7 0390...
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    CLEO Help decode this script

    Hi, I need to decode this script, I tried it myself but I don't know how to do it, could someone please decode the script for me?
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    CLEO Help Help with coding

    well it is not given on the version but I need to know how to crypt script or write it in hex so that everyone can not arbitrarily modify it. that's what I meant.
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    CLEO Help Help with coding

    Hi, I would like to ask if anyone have any instructions how to encode cleo files. I thank everyone for their time and help. If you need version 0.3DL
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    CLEO Help Decrypt

    Hi, I need to decrypt this file. Version 0.3DL