0.3.DLHook that function to prevent some objects being created.
BOOL CObjectPool::Create(ID nId, int nModel, CVector position, CVector rotation, float fDrawDistance) {
return ((BOOL(__thiscall*)(CObjectPool*, ID, int, CVector, CVector, float))GetAddress(0x127D0))(this, nId, nModel, position, rotation, fDrawDistance);
Well it have to be made, since no one create it yet.If someone have the 0.3DL offset of createobject function....
Thanks in advance.
Well it have to be made, since no one create it yet.
What exactly you planning to do?
Alright i will drop here after jobHook that function to prevent some objects being created.
0.3.DLHook that function to prevent some objects being created.
BOOL CObjectPool::Create(ID nId, int nModel, CVector position, CVector rotation, float fDrawDistance) {
return ((BOOL(__thiscall*)(CObjectPool*, ID, int, CVector, CVector, float))GetAddress(0x127D0))(this, nId, nModel, position, rotation, fDrawDistance);
RPC - Create Object offsetC++:BOOL CObjectPool::Create(ID nId, int nModel, CVector position, CVector rotation, float fDrawDistance) { return ((BOOL(__thiscall*)(CObjectPool*, ID, int, CVector, CVector, float))GetAddress(0x127D0))(this, nId, nModel, position, rotation, fDrawDistance); }