sorry i'm a complete noob. i've been following that tutorial step by step ( )
at last it give me some errors:
i also searched on the internet for sure, but these error just can't be solved for me at all
at last it give me some errors:
1>proxyIDirect3DDevice9.obj : error LNK2019: Unresolved external symbol "struct ImGuiContext * __cdecl ImGui::CreateContext(struct ImFontAtlas *)" (?CreateContext@ImGui@@YAPAUImGuiContext@@PAUImFontAtlas@@@Z), the symbol is in the function Referenced in "void __cdecl renderHandler(void)" (?renderHandler@@YAXXZ)
1>proxyIDirect3DDevice9.obj : error LNK2019: Unresolved external symbol "struct ImGuiIO & __cdecl ImGui::GetIO(void)" (?GetIO@ImGui@@YAAAUImGuiIO@@XZ), the symbol is in the function "void __cdecl renderHandler(void )" (??renderHandler@@YAXXZ) is referenced
1>proxyIDirect3DDevice9.obj : error LNK2019: Unresolved external symbol "struct ImGuiStyle & __cdecl ImGui::GetStyle(void)" (?GetStyle@ImGui@@YAAAUImGuiStyle@@XZ), the symbol is in the function "void __cdecl renderHandler(void )" (??renderHandler@@YAXXZ) is referenced
1> proxyIDirect3DDevice9.obj: error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: struct ImFont * __thiscall ImFontAtlas :: AddFontDefault (struct ImFontConfig const *)" (AddFontDefault @ ImFontAtlas @@ QAEPAUImFont @@ PBUImFontConfig @@@ Z?), The The symbol is referenced in the function "void __cdecl renderHandler(void)" (?renderHandler@@YAXXZ)
1> proxyIDirect3DDevice9.obj: error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: struct ImFont * __thiscall ImFontAtlas :: AddFontFromFileTTF (char const *, float, struct ImFontConfig const *, unsigned short const *)" (AddFontFromFileTTF @ ImFontAtlas @@? QAEPAUImFont@@PBDMPBUImFontConfig@@PBG@Z), the symbol is referenced in the function "void __cdecl renderHandler(void)" (?renderHandler@@YAXXZ)
1> proxyIDirect3DDevice9.obj: error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "bool __cdecl ImGui_ImplDX9_Init (void *, struct IDirect3DDevice9 *)" (? ImGui_ImplDX9_Init @@ YA_NPAXPAUIDirect3DDevice9 @@@ Z), the symbol in the function "void __cdecl renderHandler (void) Quoted in (??renderHandler@@YAXXZ)
1> proxyIDirect3DDevice9.obj: error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl ImGui_ImplDX9_InvalidateDeviceObjects (void)" (ImGui_ImplDX9_InvalidateDeviceObjects @@ YAXXZ?), The symbol in the function "public: virtual long __stdcall proxyIDirect3DDevice9 :: Reset (struct _D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS_ *)" Quoted in (?Reset@proxyIDirect3DDevice9@@UAGJPAU_D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS_@@@Z)
1>proxyIDirect3DDevice9.obj : error LNK2019: Unresolved external symbol "bool __cdecl ImGui_ImplWin32_Init(void *)" (?ImGui_ImplWin32_Init@@YA_NPAX@Z), the symbol is in the function "void __cdecl renderHandler(void)" (?renderHandler@@ Cited in YAXXZ)
i also searched on the internet for sure, but these error just can't be solved for me at all