Based on this documentary, but this time I will demonstrate how we can register/Hook multiple new CMD and recover the parameters you've inputted in chat without using SAMPFUNCS Opcodes.
:registerClientCommand // 0AB1: @registerClientCommand 3 _CommandName 0@ _TogglingVar 1@ _ParamsPtrToVar 2@
Parazitas - UGBASE
kawa_operand - BlastHack
The Reference Pointers passed at _TogglingVar and _ParamPtrToVar are required to be treated as ReadOnly. Which means that the value of those two Reference Pointers should not be manually overwritten/changed.
I am having a problem with opcode 0AB1, it permanently writes on the main thread's local variables. Maybe its because I directly writes on the passed variable's memory pointer. An example case:
Passing _ParamPtrToVar = 31@ , _TogglingVar = 30@
Opcode 0AB1 31@ == Main Thread's 31@
Opcode 0AB1 30@ == Main Thread's 30@
Thats why I decided to use global variables since they aren't that exposed on scripts.
// Do not use Local Variables
// Do not recycle/use the three variables on any operation inside the script because these variables will always be used by this function and doesn't override outside the function. I promise you that even if you replace this with a local variable, It will cause overwriting mistakes that will mess the operation
// You can Replace any of these variables into any UNIQUE GLOBAL VARIABLES
VAR1 = $2AFD
VAR2 = $2BEC
VAR3 = $2CDE
VAR4 = $2DCB
VAR5 = $2EBF
VAR6 = $2FAA
IF 0AA2: VAR4 = "samp.dll"
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Create a New Callback Structure
51 // push ecx
56 // push esi
8B 74 24 0C // mov esi, [esp+0Ch]
89 34 25 11 11 11 11 // mov [11111111], esi // later: [11111111] becomes 1@
83 35 11 11 11 11 01 // xor [11111111], 01 // later: [11111111] becomes 2@
5E // pop esi
59 // pop ecx
C3 // retn
// Avoid using local variables by saving the values inside a global variables
008A: VAR1 = 0@
008A: VAR2 = 2@
008A: VAR3 = 1@
0AC8: VAR5 = allocate_memory_size 23 // undeleteable memory region
0084: VAR6 = VAR5
0A8C: write_memory VAR6 size 4 value 0x748B5651 virtual_protect 1
VAR6 += 4
0A8C: write_memory VAR6 size 4 value 0x34890C24 virtual_protect 1
VAR6 += 4
0A8C: write_memory VAR6 size 1 value 0x25 virtual_protect 1
// 0A8C: write_memory VAR2 size 4 value 0 virtual_protect 0 // null string // NOT WORKING due to this function's varibles overriding
0A8C: write_memory VAR6 size 4 value VAR2 virtual_protect 1
VAR6 += 4
0A8C: write_memory VAR6 size 2 value 0x3583 virtual_protect 1
VAR6 += 2
// 0A8C: write_memory VAR3 size 4 value 0 virtual_protect 0 // Zeroing TogglingVar // NOT WORKING due to this function's varibles overriding
0A8C: write_memory VAR6 size 4 value VAR3 virtual_protect 1
VAR6 += 4
0A8C: write_memory VAR6 size 4 value 0xC3595E01 virtual_protect 1
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ now callback struct VAR5 is ready
0A8D: VAR6 = read_memory VAR6 size 4 virtual_protect 1
0AA6: call_method VAR4 struct VAR6 num_params 2 pop 0 VAR5 VAR1
0AB2: ret 0
Custom CMD Testing Template by AJOM
Type any of these CMD:
/TypeThis <with or without params>
/anothercommand <with or without params>
/trymetoo <with or without params>
Note: Case INSENSITVE, you can use both uppercase and lowercase combination
wait 5000
0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size 9 // undeleteable memory region containing the cmdname1
0AD3: 0@ = string_format "TypeThis"
0AC7: 31@ = var 31@ pointer
0AC7: 30@ = var 30@ pointer
0AB1: @registerClientCommand 3 _CommandName 0@ _TogglingVar 30@ _ParamsPtrToVar 31@
31@ = 0 // null ptr
30@ = 0 // default disabled
// we will not free memory region 0@ // let it remain at the memory forever since we need it
0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size 15 // undeleteable memory region containing the cmdname2
0AD3: 0@ = string_format "anothercommand"
0AC7: 29@ = var 29@ pointer
0AC7: 28@ = var 28@ pointer
0AB1: @registerClientCommand 3 _CommandName 0@ _TogglingVar 28@ _ParamsPtrToVar 29@
29@ = 0 // null ptr
28@ = 0 // default disabled
// we will not free memory region 0@ // let it remain at the memory forever since we need it
0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size 9 // undeleteable memory region containing the cmdname3
0AD3: 0@ = string_format "trymetoo"
0AC7: 27@ = var 27@ pointer
0AC7: 26@ = var 26@ pointer
0AB1: @registerClientCommand 3 _CommandName 0@ _TogglingVar 26@ _ParamsPtrToVar 27@
27@ = 0 // null ptr
26@ = 0 // default disabled
// we will not free memory region 0@ // let it remain at the memory forever since we need it
while true
wait 0
if 30@ <> 0
30@ = 0 // disable indication of the cmd
if 31@ <> 0 // not null ptr
then 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "You typed 'TypeThis'~n~Params=%s" time 5000 31@
else 0ACD: show_text_highpriority "You typed 'TypeThis'~n~No Params" time 5000 // This will not happen because there will always be a reference ptr. But just to be sure!
00A1: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR at 345.5621 306.2212 998.4484
if 28@ <> 0
28@ = 0 // disable indication of the cmd
if 29@ <> 0 // not null ptr
then 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "You typed 'anothercommand'~n~Params=%s" time 5000 29@
else 0ACD: show_text_highpriority "You typed 'anothercommand'~n~No Params" time 5000 // This will not happen because there will always be a reference ptr. But just to be sure!
00A1: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR at 0 0 0
if 26@ <> 0
26@ = 0 // disable indication of the cmd
if 27@ <> 0 // not null ptr
then 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "You typed 'trymetoo'~n~Params=%s" time 5000 27@
else 0ACD: show_text_highpriority "You typed 'trymetoo'~n~No Params" time 5000 // This will not happen because there will always be a reference ptr. But just to be sure!
00A1: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR at 817.0 2813.4 15.0
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