Hey there,
first of all, after 4years of registration here this is my first post in here so please, be gentle. =)
as most of you know there was a version of deamx which was originally made by trc_ in 2008 ( WOW! ) and I'm just updating it.
so no one tried (or maybe did tried but didn't share) to update this library.
the public version has only SA:MP functions and callbacks which where available in 2008. (omg 10 years ago ? )
So I just decided to update the libraries and fix some bugs, too.
Okay enough with BS..
Fixed Bugs :
first of all, after 4years of registration here this is my first post in here so please, be gentle. =)
as most of you know there was a version of deamx which was originally made by trc_ in 2008 ( WOW! ) and I'm just updating it.
so no one tried (or maybe did tried but didn't share) to update this library.
the public version has only SA:MP functions and callbacks which where available in 2008. (omg 10 years ago ? )
So I just decided to update the libraries and fix some bugs, too.
Okay enough with BS..

Fixed Bugs :
- Fixed the bug with callbacks parameters like in OnPlayerText, it has ' text[] ' parameter but the old version of deamx would make it ' text ' so yea basically it removes the var type tags and [] of strings in callback parameters during deamx
- Fixed the bug with ' Menu: ' var type tag since its name in script was similar to parameters in ' printf ' and ' format ' so the deamx would consider simple vars used in ' format/printf ' as menu type vars and adds ' Menu: ' tag
- Added all SA:MP functions till 0.3.7
- Added all SA:MP callbacks and fixed the old ones because of non-typed variables
- Added new variable types like PlayerText, 3DText and such
- Adding some famous includes like streamer, sscanf and etc.
- Adding Anti-DeAMX bypass
This is not an application like Easy DeAMX, it's only lua files which you need to use them with lua builds and run deamx with your file name.
I'll add a tutorial how to do tho; and also I'll probably make an application to easy usage, too.
so here's my DeAMX github repo, feel free to fork and create PR to change it and make it much better!