[Disscusion] UG-Base Activity


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Mar 5, 2013
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UG-Base - Gamehacking Portal

Bringing new activity
You can finally start with new sections and many other games. In the logo it says "Gamehacking Protal" not "SAMP Hacking Portal" so why not creating new sections, advertising this site and getting many new members, that do hacks for other games too. Maybe they get interests for samp and will do some stuff but doesn't matter when they don't.

About the Request Section
Why you just don't open the section and call it "Help find and request"-section. So people can just help find something that already exists instead of posting: "faggot, this already exists. close topic, close section."
And anyways, why caring about all them posts in the section? Blasthack does have it named it "Help to create / to find" and it works good.

Post other suggestions in this thread and say something about the idea "adding more games / sections"


Jul 29, 2014
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Schinko link said:
UG-Base - Gamehacking Portal

Bringing new activity
You can finally start with new sections and many other games. In the logo it says "Gamehacking Protal" not "SAMP Hacking Portal" so why not creating new sections, advertising this site and getting many new members, that do hacks for other games too. Maybe they get interests for samp and will do some stuff but doesn't matter when they don't.

About the Request Section
Why you just don't open the section and call it "Help find and request"-section. So people can just help find something that already exists instead of posting: "faggot, this already exists. close topic, close section."
And anyways, why caring about all them posts in the section? Blasthack does have it named it "Help to create / to find" and it works good.

Post other suggestions in this thread and say something about the idea "adding more games / sections"

1. What sections are you talking about specific ?, CS:GO ?... none will release shit for free because the hack needs to be anti-vac, and I think people won't pay $10 for CS:GO hack because that's what the standard price for most basic anti vac cheat.

2. But this will happen, because people do not know how to use search button. Even if we would merge these section together, it would be just a mess... and the way it is now, it looks more organized and more readable. You stated "why caring about all them posts in the section?" - well people can post shit, links with viruses and other shit where they insult religions and who knows what... so they need to be moderated, to stop this from happening.

I will also [member=2]0x688[/member] so he can see this post as it's mostly his decision.


Aug 1, 2013
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there is an "other games" section but if you really want a forum for lots of other games you probably should go to "mpgh" but there is quite alot of payware hacks there.


Wtf I'm not new....
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Feb 18, 2013
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At the start of ugbase we had many different sections including: CS*, MW*, MC and of course SA:MP the problem is the lack of content creators, as me and opcode were very active in SA:MP this time we made many mods and released them exclusively here.
That's the problem for other games, for games like CS:GO sure I got my hax but I can't / won't post stuff public as it's useless because it get's detected within a 1-2days time span.
Simply put: A lack of content creators, and interest in other games of the community.

About the request section?
We had this many times it was spammy, at least at the time we closed the section we were not able to moderate the section properly, how it is now? I don't know we never tried but imo we got requests about everything and also again a lack of content creators.


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Mar 5, 2013
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Mr.Christmas link said:
1. What sections are you talking about specific ?, CS:GO ?... none will release shit for free because the hack needs to be anti-vac, and I think people won't pay $10 for CS:GO hack because that's what the standard price for most basic anti vac cheat.

2. But this will happen, because people do not know how to use search button. Even if we would merge these section together, it would be just a mess... and the way it is now, it looks more organized and more readable. You stated "why caring about all them posts in the section?" - well people can post shit, links with viruses and other shit where they insult religions and who knows what... so they need to be moderated, to stop this from happening.
Not only CS:GO, there are hundred of popular f2p shooter, like Special force 2 (S.K.I.L.L.), Crossfire, Warrock and so on. But it hasn't to be shooter only, there are also hacks and hack developer for rpg's and stuff. Like Metin 2 or Flyff and similar shit.

0x688 can set the request-section to not-shown in feed / recent topics. So it will stay organized but the section will stay alive. But yea, that's a valid point with the viruses and insultings. But if the section won't be shown in recent topics it may be spared of these people who post shit. People who want and like to help will try to help them, even if it's just using the searchbar and posting the link of the topic of an already existing cheat.

zin link said:
there is an "other games" section but if you really want a forum for lots of other games you probably should go to "mpgh" but there is quite alot of payware hacks there.
But I don't want to. I want to make this forum more like mpgh or epvp. This forum has potential. Yea, 98% of users are here for samp hacks and stuff. To not confuse them you can just let the section "samp" stay at first place (at top). 0x688 just need to start making it big, making friendly and helpful people like [member=60]Opcode.eXe[/member] [member=111]springfield[/member] and [member=23540]Mr.Christmas[/member] moderator or admin so they can mentain the tidiness. It can't be that hard. We should all try to help 0x688 with that change of UG-Base.

0x688 link said:
At the start of ugbase we had many different sections including: CS*, MW*, MC and of course SA:MP the problem is the lack of content creators, as me and opcode were very active in SA:MP this time we made many mods and released them exclusively here.
That's the problem for other games, for games like CS:GO sure I got my hax but I can't / won't post stuff public as it's useless because it get's detected within a 1-2days time span.
Simply put: A lack of content creators, and interest in other games of the community.

About the request section?
We had this many times it was spammy, at least at the time we closed the section we were not able to moderate the section properly, how it is now? I don't know we never tried but imo we got requests about everything and also again a lack of content creators.
That was even a good Idea (posting your stuff exclusive on/for UG-Base). But only for new samp players. I mean, bro, this is probably the biggest samp hacking community (even with lack of creators). Blasthack is russian, that doesn't count. UG-Base is international / english speaking.
We should advertise. Firstly just ask on other forums many hack developer if they can post some stuff on this forum, and we could give him some bonus or stuff (I don't think about some shit like elite gold, but some achievements, ranks or stuff, just something that gives them even more popularity and make them fame.

The problem of request sections user is, that they don't know how to use the searchbar properly. They type "samp godmode" in it and get 500 results that have this two words in it. They look in the first few topics and can't find the hack they are searching for (because it doesn't work anymore or the anti-cheat of their server does bust the script, and so on)
But yea you're right. It is a pretty big spamming section. Maybe we should hire more moderators for this section? We also could make a poll or exclamation (weißt schon, etwas das jeder sehen kann, das sofort ins Auge fällt und einige Leute dazu anregt) that wants the user to post or vote for a suggestion / decision about the request section.


Aug 1, 2013
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People don't have to use the search on this forum I'll admit the search on this forum is a bit shitty so just use google and type "Ugbase [ What your looking for ]" like "Ugbase Godmode" and boom you get a topic it's either people being lazy or just having none of that "KNOWLEDGE" so obviously some people need 7 new bookshelfs.


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Mar 5, 2013
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zin link said:
People don't have to use the search on this forum I'll admit the search on this forum is a bit shitty so just use google and type "Ugbase [ What your looking for ]" like "Ugbase Godmode" and boom you get a topic it's either people being lazy or just having none of that "KNOWLEDGE" so obviously some people need 7 new bookshelfs.
Yea you're right. Elitepvpers is doing the same way. If you use their searchbar you'll get google results. It's actually much better.


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Mar 5, 2013
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Mr.Christmas link said:
CS:GO ?... none will release shit for free because the hack needs to be anti-vac, and I think people won't pay $10 for CS:GO hack because that's what the standard price for most basic anti vac cheat.

Mr.Christmas said it pretty much. We could add the section, but who will post free hacks for it? Of course people could make official topics to order a special hack for $$ if 0x688 agrees.


Wtf I'm not new....
Staff member
Feb 18, 2013
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Adding payment shit (officially) would require us to add a bunch of legal shit


Mar 4, 2013
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0x688 link said:
Adding payment shit (officially) would require us to add a bunch of legal shit
and where's the problem about that... The time doing that will be worth at the end.


Wtf I'm not new....
Staff member
Feb 18, 2013
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well, you need to know (if you didn't even if it's obvious) the forum isn't generating any kind of income also.
Adding legal shit, means also setting up legal shit setting up "valid" legal shit requires a bit of knowledge and so on.
That's not really the point tho, I think we need to establish some games I've tried over several "years" but my motivation isn't even that high tbh. If no content creators join, well then there are just a few including me.
Only time can change... :< *and a bit of wizard magic*


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Mar 5, 2013
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0x688 link said:
but my motivation isn't even that high tbh. If no content creators join, well then there are just a few including me.
What do you say about the idea of starting to make tutorials of cleo scripting and co. ? I would love to watch tutorials from you or opcode to learn how to script. And I bet I'm not the only one. Videos are btw. much much easier to understand than just reading 200 pages on gtaforums. By this way you would form and train new creators.

[member=2]0x688[/member] Monstercat hat auch ein Tutorial gemacht, ist schon länger her und es war zwar nur ein Keybinder, aber auf deutsch und eigentlich auch super verständlich.


Wtf I'm not new....
Staff member
Feb 18, 2013
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I personally do not make cleo's neither will I start doing so.
I don't like CLEO and I'll keep doing C++ stuff posting C++ "Tutorials" is a bit of a pain in the ass especially introducing stuff.
And Opcode is also to lazy to do any sort of tutorials I guess.


Jul 29, 2014
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Problem with Cleo is that it won't take you anywhere, it's a single language for specific game... yes, learning it might help you to catch another programming language from it, but that's the only benefit.
Tutorials at the other hand are easy to make for Cleo but not everyone wants to make them, why ? because the structure of Cleo can be sometimes pain in the ass.
Explaining simple stuff in Cleo is very easy... let's take "No-Fall from bike" code:
wait 0
jf @Bike
08C6: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR stay_on_bike 1 
goto @Bike

This code is very easy to explain and people will get it straight away because it uses very simple opcodes
but then let's take some complex script, for example working with 0C0D: struct

alloc 5@ 39 
0C0D: struct 5@ offset 0 size 1 = 1 
0C0D: struct 5@ offset 1 size 2 = 0@  
0C0D: struct 5@ offset 27 size 4 = 0.0 
0C0D: struct 5@ offset 31 size 4 = 0.0 
0C0D: struct 5@ offset 35 size 4 = 0.0  
6@ = RakNet.NewBitStream()
BitStream.Write(6@, 224, BS_TYPE_BYTE, 1)
BitStream.Write(6@, 5@, BS_TYPE_ARRAY, 39)

Yes it can be explained, but for newbie people it would be very hard to understand that. That's why most of the people do not like doing tutorials about Cleo, because to explain very complex and structured Cleo codes might be sometimes hard... and even the pros, when they are making Cleo sometimes have ready snippets and they do not even know what they do :p

Also remember that Russians are one of the best cheaters out there :D They can code everything and anything they want... that's why for example blast.hk is very popular because many people are interested in Cleo and coding stuff out there... where UGbase is gamehacking Portal where people come mainly to get help and request stuff and there isn't much releases, why ? In my opinion because SA-MP is dying and not that many people are interested in this game as before.
Feb 18, 2005
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Maybe not many 'cheaters' are still interested in this game, cause SA-MP is actually doing fine considering previous years.

CLEO is meh, shitty, but you can learn it in 24 hours, it's really really basic, what requires more work is to understand how GTA works and how some GTA native opcodes work and how to use them, even though they're pretty much straightforward.

There are some basic CLEO tutorial already, and like i said, since it's a really simple lang. and opcodes are simple to understand, by using logic and some trial and error you can create even complex scripts. Maybe that's why there aren't many tutorials, it's pretty simple.

Now about UGBASE, there's no reason to add any other games section because they'll most likely stay dead, if you want to release a CSGO hack, you'll do it in one of the already bigger and known csgo related hacking communities, UGBASE has grown so much because of it being the only english sa-mp related hacking forum and also due to advertising brought from sa-mp hacks.


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Mar 5, 2013
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springfield link said:
CLEO is meh, shitty, but you can learn it in 24 hours, it's really really basic, what requires more work is to understand how GTA works and how some GTA native opcodes work and how to use them, even though they're pretty much straightforward.

Now about UGBASE, there's no reason to add any other games section because they'll most likely stay dead, if you want to release a CSGO hack, you'll do it in one of the already bigger and known csgo related hacking communities, UGBASE has grown so much because of it being the only english sa-mp related hacking forum and also due to advertising brought from sa-mp hacks.
Yea, you're probably right about cleo. But we could do the same with CSGO and other games hacks. Just advertising by making videos. It would definitely bring also new creators.

Tepache link said:
We should make a poll over it, or let the administrator approves or not.
That would be good, but we need some questions at first. Or do you mean a poll about what games should be addeed?