- Joined
- Apr 4, 2014
- Messages
- 608
- Reaction score
- 3
1. Make sure the forum have a chatbox
2.Download AutoHotkey. Make sure you've downloaded AutoHotkey from ahkscript.org
3. Create a script, and copy this script, save it.
3. Press Ctrl + Alt + S at the Chatbox, it'll spam "fuck this forum" you can edit it for yourself.
4. Have phun crashing other people chatbox :trollface:
5. Make sure the owner of the forum will look like this: :sadpepe:
Don't do it on this forum, unless 0x688 will rip your spine
2.Download AutoHotkey. Make sure you've downloaded AutoHotkey from ahkscript.org
3. Create a script, and copy this script, save it.
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
^!s:: ; Ctrl+Alt+S becomes a hotkey to type a signature:
Send fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}fuck this forum{Enter}
3. Press Ctrl + Alt + S at the Chatbox, it'll spam "fuck this forum" you can edit it for yourself.
4. Have phun crashing other people chatbox :trollface:
5. Make sure the owner of the forum will look like this: :sadpepe:
Don't do it on this forum, unless 0x688 will rip your spine