0AB1: call_scm_func @DRAW_OUTLINED_BOX 9 POS 7@ 8@ SIZE 50.0 50.0 RGBA 4@ 5@ 6@ 7@ THICKNESS 2.5
4@ = 255
5@ = 255
6@ = 51
7@ = 0.2
4@ = 153
5@ = 51
6@ = 51
7@ = 0.2
It's 7@ RGBA = all integer values so it can't be 0.2 it must be 0-255 you can always use some math if u want to use floats to determine the ALPHA.Why is this not good?
Code:0AB1: call_scm_func @DRAW_OUTLINED_BOX 9 POS 7@ 8@ SIZE 50.0 50.0 RGBA 4@ 5@ 6@ 7@ THICKNESS 2.5
Code::kitica 4@ = 255 5@ = 255 6@ = 51 7@ = 0.2 samp.CmdRet
Code::kurcina 4@ = 153 5@ = 51 6@ = 51 7@ = 0.2 samp.CmdRe
colorpicker.comWhere i can find rgba color picker?
Gonna have to show more of the code then or maybe theSo i did it like this
Code::cszuta 4@ = 255 5@ = 51 6@ = 51 7@ = 255 samp.CmdRet
And it should be red, but its greene and when I move it starts blinking
The drawbox snippet (got fucked by an emoji because I wrote {colon}D as in a cleo label).What did i need to show you?
What I said before, but you said it doesn't work so it's obvious you didn't implement into your script correctly I just want to see the rest of the "drawbox" code as there are different ways of drawing boxes in cleo. But most likely it will be to do with the rest of the script. Just make sure 4@ 5@ 6@ 7@ are not being changed so anywhere in the script where those vars are being changed (outside of the cmd) are causing problems.Well i have that snippet lol, but how can i change colors by comand?
0AB1: call_scm_func @DRAW_OUTLINED_BOX 9 POS 7@ 8@ SIZE 50.0 50.0 RGBA 4@ 5@ 6@ 7@ THICKNESS 2.5
4@ = 255
5@ = 51
6@ = 51
7@ = 255
0087: 14@ = 8@ // (float)
0087: 12@ = 2@ // (float)
0087: 13@ = 3@ // (float)
12@ /= 2.0 // (float)
13@ /= 2.0 // (float)
0087: 8@ = 0@ // (float)
005B: 8@ += 2@ // (float)
0063: 8@ -= 12@ // (float)
0087: 9@ = 0@ // (float)
0063: 9@ -= 2@ // (float)
005B: 9@ += 12@ // (float)
0087: 10@ = 1@ // (float)
005B: 10@ += 3@ // (float)
0063: 10@ -= 13@ // (float)
0087: 11@ = 1@ // (float) by Opkodex
0063: 11@ -= 3@ // (float)
005B: 11@ += 13@ // (float)
03F0: enable_text_draw 1 //UPALJEN TEXTDRAW
038E: draw_box_position 8@ 1@ size 14@ 3@ RGBA 4@ 5@ 6@ 7@ // links
038E: draw_box_position 9@ 1@ size 14@ 3@ RGBA 4@ 5@ 6@ 7@ // rechts
038E: draw_box_position 0@ 10@ size 2@ 14@ RGBA 4@ 5@ 6@ 7@ // oben
038E: draw_box_position 0@ 11@ size 2@ 14@ RGBA 4@ 5@ 6@ 7@
Ok so nothing is up with the snippet it's the rest of the code then. Something must be changing the vars you need to use vars that are not being used literally anywhere else. Seen as you're so reluctant to post the code I'll put you another example to show you what I mean.So i did as you sad
Code:0AB1: call_scm_func @DRAW_OUTLINED_BOX 9 POS 7@ 8@ SIZE 50.0 50.0 RGBA 4@ 5@ 6@ 7@ THICKNESS 2.5
Code::godfelazpickica 4@ = 255 5@ = 51 6@ = 51 7@ = 255 samp.CmdRet
Code::DRAW_OUTLINED_BOX 0087: 14@ = 8@ // (float) 0087: 12@ = 2@ // (float) 0087: 13@ = 3@ // (float) 12@ /= 2.0 // (float) 13@ /= 2.0 // (float) 0087: 8@ = 0@ // (float) 005B: 8@ += 2@ // (float) 0063: 8@ -= 12@ // (float) 0087: 9@ = 0@ // (float) 0063: 9@ -= 2@ // (float) 005B: 9@ += 12@ // (float) 0087: 10@ = 1@ // (float) 005B: 10@ += 3@ // (float) 0063: 10@ -= 13@ // (float) 0087: 11@ = 1@ // (float) by Opkodex 0063: 11@ -= 3@ // (float) 005B: 11@ += 13@ // (float) 03F0: enable_text_draw 1 //UPALJEN TEXTDRAW 038E: draw_box_position 8@ 1@ size 14@ 3@ RGBA 4@ 5@ 6@ 7@ // links 038E: draw_box_position 9@ 1@ size 14@ 3@ RGBA 4@ 5@ 6@ 7@ // rechts 038E: draw_box_position 0@ 10@ size 2@ 14@ RGBA 4@ 5@ 6@ 7@ // oben 038E: draw_box_position 0@ 11@ size 2@ 14@ RGBA 4@ 5@ 6@ 7@
And what the fuck is problem???
0B34: samp register_client_command "SETCOLOR" to_label @SET
0B61: samp is_local_player_spawned
actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0@, 1@, 2@)
0172: 3@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR Z_angle
0AB1: call_scm_func @get3DXYZInFrontOf 6 XYZ 0@ 1@ 2@ Z_Angle 3@ Y_Angle 0.0 Distance 5.0 Return_XYZ_To 0@ 1@ 2@
// draw line
03F0: enable_text_draw 0
0B55: convert_3D_coords 0@ 1@ 2@ to_screen 3@ 4@
actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 5@, 6@, 7@)
0B55: convert_3D_coords 5@ 6@ 7@ to_screen 5@ 6@
0B67: render a 255 r 5@ g 6@ b 7@ to_argb 7@ // creates ARGB hex for "draw line" same principal as RGBA basically.
0B68: render draw_line_point1 3@ 4@ point2 5@ 6@ width 5 color 7@
actor.PutAt($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0@, 1@, 2@)
5@ = 255
6@ = 0
7@ = 0
// vars values are set
Example: 0AB1: call_scm_func @get3DXYZInFrontOf 6 XYZ 1@ 2@ 3@ Z_Angle 4@ Y_Angle 5@ Distance 7.0 Return_XYZ_To 6@ 7@ 8@
3@ *= -1.0
02F6: 6@ = sine 3@
006B: 6@ *= 5@
005B: 0@ += 6@
02F7: 6@ = cosine 3@
006B: 6@ *= 5@
005B: 1@ += 6@
02F7: 6@ = cosine 4@
0073: 5@ /= 6@
02F6: 6@ = sine 4@
006B: 5@ *= 6@
005B: 2@ += 5@
0AB2: ret 3 0@ 1@ 2@