[glow=red,2,300]WHICH LEADS US TO[/glow]
This is my theory: UGBASE is gradually ceasing to exist or function; in decline and about to disappear due to it as 0x688 stated it being a sa-mp hacking forum primarily. The members concists of very few skilled coders like 0x688, springfield, Opcode.eXe, xzytro, cApSL0ckb0mb3r, 25GHz, monday, PopandauL, m1zg4rd, Flapjack92 and Mr. Ze and a few others, sorry if your name didn't make it into the honorable mentions list. Now, how many of these do still code or post anything on this site? None of them. Now the members of UGBASE that still plays SAMP has their reasons, but the primary reason could be that they have a shitty PC so they can't run games like CS:GO or COD whatever the fuck. Half a year ago there was a thread posted here that asked the forum what other games they hacked in, the majority of the users here would reply some shitty free2play FPS shooter or lord of the rings multiplayer RPG crap. If you don't get the point by now i will try to explain it right here. People on this forum are here because they are stuck with SA:MP, their PC can't fucking run CS:GO equals that it would be hard to turn this toaster pc forum into a high tech pc forum. I hope people understand.