* Name of the mod (If the mod doesn't exist, you don't have to tell one):faster climbing animation.cs
* Where you saw it (Not the server, we mean if you watched any videos about it or not): i saw it somewhere before on a youtube video but i cant recall where
* What do you want (The most important part, explain this carefully, add details): a mod that will make the climbing animation faster you know like that fast enter/exit vehicle i want a faster animation so i can climb faster etc..
* Activation: automatic
* Where you saw it (Not the server, we mean if you watched any videos about it or not): i saw it somewhere before on a youtube video but i cant recall where
* What do you want (The most important part, explain this carefully, add details): a mod that will make the climbing animation faster you know like that fast enter/exit vehicle i want a faster animation so i can climb faster etc..
* Activation: automatic