wannabe hacker. He spams you with 100 pms saying he hacked youSAMPHACKER link said:MAN! WHO IS THIS JALALGRAND?
I get pissed off everytime I see his name. Where is he ban evading, why is he banned, who is he and why is he so popular?
:motherofgod_ u blocked pms n mentions14/88 link said:I want jalalgrand back :yesyes:
Because he annoys you :trollface:
youre the one annoying with your shitposting and maymays hgodwhy: :urtheman: :imoverit: :iknowwhatyoudid: :angry: :hellno: :fuck_you: :angry: key: h_stop_it_u: :red_eyes: :red_eyes: :somuchwin: pffh: pffh: :face_palm: :face_palm: :dont_care:iAnthony link said:we need a cure against the mad jalal decease
he keeps ban evading :dont_care: + he's annoying
oh, cool :urtheman:Slapman link said:youre the one annoying with your shitposting and maymays hgodwhy: :urtheman: :imoverit: :iknowwhatyoudid: :angry: :hellno: :fuck_you: :angry: key: h_stop_it_u: :red_eyes: :red_eyes: :somuchwin: pffh: pffh: :face_palm: :face_palm: :dont_care: