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- Nov 14, 2018
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I'm trying to make a cleo for Auto /fish and pick the Fishing Rod and Bait.
But the snippet code from Parazitas didn't work at this code, idk why. Anyone can help me please?
But the snippet code from Parazitas didn't work at this code, idk why. Anyone can help me please?
// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}
0000: NOP
wait 8500
alloc 2@ 260
format 2@ "You have"
wait 0
if and
key_down 18
key_down 50
jf @Noname_219
wait 0
if and
key_down 18
key_down 50
jf @Noname_62
16@ == 1
jf @Noname_117
16@ = 0
goto @Noname_124
16@ = 1
printf "~r~Auto /fish mode: ~w~%d" 2000 16@
wait 500
printf "~r~DRL-AutoFishing.cs" 3000
wait 0
if and
16@ == 1
jf @Noname_521
30@ = 99
alloc 0@ 260
call @Noname_582 1 30@ 0@
alloc 1@ 260
call @Noname_1025 4 0@ 123 125 1@
call @Noname_674 2 1@ 2@ 3@
jf @Noname_500
alloc 19@ 260
alloc 20@ 260
alloc 4@ 260
0AF4: 20@ = read_string_from_ini_file "cleo\DRL-AutoFishing.ini" section "Settings" key "AutoRoleplay"
// format 19@ "/me %s" 20@
format 4@ "/fish"
wait 250
// call @Noname_528 1 19@
wait 1000
call @Noname_528 1 4@
wait 1500
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x28 state 255
wait 30
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x28 state 0
wait 30
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x28 state 255
wait 30
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x28 state 0
wait 30
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x28 state 255
wait 30
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x28 state 0
wait 30
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x28 state 255
wait 30
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x28 state 0
wait 30
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x0D state 255
wait 30
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x0D state 0
wait 30
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x28 state 255
wait 30
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x28 state 0
wait 30
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x28 state 255
wait 30
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x28 state 0
wait 30
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x28 state 255
wait 30
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x28 state 0
wait 30
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x28 state 255
wait 30
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x28 state 0
wait 30
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x28 state 255
wait 30
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x28 state 0
wait 30
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x28 state 255
wait 30
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x28 state 0
wait 30
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x28 state 255
wait 30
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x28 state 0
wait 30
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x28 state 255
wait 30
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x28 state 0
wait 30
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x0D state 255
wait 30
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x0D state 0
wait 30
wait 2000
free 4@
free 19@
free 20@
30@ += 1
30@ > 99
jf @Noname_253
goto @Noname_39
0AA2: 1@ = load_library "samp.dll" // IF and SET
jf @Noname_577
1@ += 430912
0AA5: call 1@ num_params 1 pop 0 0@
ret 0
0AA2: 1@ = load_library "samp.dll" // IF and SET
jf @Noname_666
1@ += 2804240
0A8D: 1@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
1@ += 306
0@ *= 252
005A: 1@ += 0@ // (int)
1@ += 32
0AA3: free_library 1@
ret 1 1@
call @Noname_951 1 0@ 31@
call @Noname_951 1 1@ 30@
001D: 30@ > 31@ // (int)
jf @Noname_734
ret 1 0
31@ -= 1
26@ = 0
29@ = 0
0085: 24@ = 0@ // (int)
005A: 24@ += 29@ // (int)
0A8D: 28@ = read_memory 24@ size 1 virtual_protect 0
0085: 23@ = 1@ // (int)
005A: 23@ += 26@ // (int)
0A8D: 27@ = read_memory 23@ size 1 virtual_protect 0
003B: 28@ == 27@ // (int)
jf @Noname_888
26@ += 1
002D: 26@ >= 30@ // (int)
jf @Noname_881
0062: 24@ -= 30@ // (int)
24@ += 1
ret 1 24@
goto @Noname_920
26@ > 0
jf @Noname_913
29@ -= 1
26@ = 0
29@ += 1
001D: 29@ > 31@ // (int)
jf @Noname_755
ret 1 0
1@ = 0
0A8D: 2@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 0
not 2@ == 0
jf @Noname_1017
0@ += 1
1@ += 1
1@ > 1024
jf @Noname_958
ret 1 1@
5@ = 0
call @Noname_951 1 0@ 31@
30@ = 0
0085: 29@ = 0@ // (int)
005A: 29@ += 30@ // (int)
0A8D: 28@ = read_memory 29@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
003B: 28@ == 1@ // (int)
jf @Noname_1109
5@ = 1
5@ == 0
jf @Noname_1146
0A8C: write_memory 3@ size 1 value 28@ virtual_protect 1
3@ += 1
003B: 28@ == 2@ // (int)
jf @Noname_1172
5@ = 0
30@ += 1
001D: 30@ > 31@ // (int)
jf @Noname_1055
0A8C: write_memory 3@ size 1 value 0 virtual_protect 1
ret 0
0AA2: 2@ = load_library "samp.dll" // IF and SET
jf @Noname_1309
0085: 3@ = 2@ // (int)
3@ += 2804240
0A8D: 3@ = read_memory 3@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
0085: 4@ = 2@ // (int)
4@ += 423504
0AA6: call_method 4@ struct 3@ num_params 5 pop 0 0 0@ 0 1@ 8
ret 0
255 = true
0 = false
0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x57 state 255
2@ = 0xB72CC8
0@ *= 2
005A: 2@ += 0@ // (int)
0A8C: write_memory 2@ size 1 value 1@ virtual_protect 0
0AB2: ret 0