Help - New to hacking


Active member
Mar 7, 2013
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I have been playing samp since i was 12 , i am 16 now and i still play it.I have this usual virus inside my head that makes me want to search for hax for any game that i play, so was the case with Sa-mp.I started using samp hax , and the first one i remember was Vlogz or something ( i dont really remember the name).After that i found about Mod S0biet, and i wan then into the tr7network community which consisted of people like nuckfucks( original creator of m0d s0biet).I used m0d sa for around 3 years , until last year when the original creators stopped developing it further.After that i came to know of the [Hax] team , who introduced me to OpcodeXe which in turn helped me to reach 0x688.

The new versions of mod sa had many more features than the original one.I made a point to try each one of them and test each and every feature (except all the samp patches).i have used hacks like trollbiet(fucking brilliant hack by 0x688) , soniticz mod sa etc. And ofcource not to forget the awesome cleo hacks created by OpcodeXe.

So facinated by all these hacks and mods, i decided that i will also learn to develop sobiets.Therefore i ask you for your help, i tried to search around but i could not find a spot to start learning about sobiets and coding them.

I have learnt Qbasic , html and a very very tiny portion of C++ .but i know that is not sufficient.

So if anyone knows a spot where i can start learning to create these or any source from which i can shoot my hacking fantasy then please do help me and lead me the way .

Thank you in advance.


Wtf I'm not new....
Staff member
Feb 18, 2013
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You first need to learn some C++ Basic's (learn by doin) best way to-do this is to start a m0d_sa project and do some things and testing etc.pp but just dont c+p;
You need to learn Assembly & much more to be a professional coding- whore ;) ;);)

But what you exactly need ?


Active member
Mar 7, 2013
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Well basically , what i exactly need is Developing new hacks , just like you made the trollbiet.
I have very very tiny knowledge of Assembly too. I can use OLLYDBG to get unlimited Ammo in Gta Sa, but i guess that knowledge wont be enough.

Is there any specific place where i can start learning C++ ? and Game Related Assembly ?


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2013
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all what you needd is to think how to exploit the gta game and the servers it easy to make a cleo because you will find opcodes and all wha you need .
to make hacks you need to think about ideas of how to exploit a server , me i am not scripter but with thinking i can make a lot.
i can exploit guns and armomr in an rp anti gun cheat server NGRP it so easy just think.
i can hack GRs and CRs.*
i make my own invisible mod after M_G delet it from his s0bite it is easy too.
so the point is to think.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2013
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Why did you even waste your time learning QBasic, im programming in VB.NET (Visual Basic .NET) and its pretty good, you can create forms easily and its not so shitty as QB..I made few things for SA-MP in VB.NET and currently im creating a big trainer for SA-MP with nopped adresses, dynamic addresses and others.When i will want to make some better shitz i will learn C++ (its still like black magic to me) and i will try.
Here is a tip if you dont like those guides to programming on the internet (i hate them, because they are written in such a scientific language) i learned VB.NET and Batch just by editing other projects and searching the internet, and asking on some forums.After about 1,5 month i knew enough to create a trainer using ReadProcessMemory & WriteProcessMemory with dynamic adressess (pointers) and other thingys.

Anyway, do you want to EDIT the s0beit or create your own ? If the second thing, then youre gonna need some knowledge about C++ because its not just few lines of code, but a whole solution with lots of files.
Apr 10, 2013
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Also I would like to create a sob, and i have some knowledge about c++ but i don't know how to create a one...


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2013
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Some doesnt mean you know it fully,
s0beit is using D3D9 to show the HUD, it has lots of functions and lots of programming, "some" knowledge is not enough


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2013
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LoL man for first,
why do you want to create a s0b yourself when there is one already ?
Its not so easy, im not skilled enough to even start this, and no one will help you because it would probably look like someone writes 100% of code for you, and you just add "By [NAME_HERE]"
Those guys like eider and others made it alone, they werent asking on forums for someone to help them.
And even if you make your s0beit work, next sa-mp update and you're gonna search for all addressess and shit again


Jul 28, 2013
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well you could start with like silent , i will start with it today
i was thinking about making a smaller program like aimbot in console project bot i still like "know shit" lol , i haave to learn much and fast cuz like after 1.5 month the damn school will start again so im planing to hack it xD

i prefer you to start with console programming , why? well its so easy to learn and there is a lot of coding no need to put like msgbox and others you can say its only write and read line heh :p :p:p , anyway i learnt vb a little bit but i got tired of vb form so i stoped and it was a really stupid move , so when you get sucks of something try to get rest for not more then 2 days cuz more = "your brain fucked up" you will forget the whole shit , and thats what happened to me be side i'm not very good in English so learning is 2 times harder