First you will need SannyBuilder:
Download and install that.
Open Sannybuilder and click on decompile as such:
Or just press F5.
Locate your Cleo mod/hack, I prefer putting the ones in a separate folder called something like "My cleo scripts"
When you open it look for this line or something similar:
The number "57" is a virtual key code. (Your activation key)
Key Number
Mouse 1 1
Mouse 2 2
Mouse 3 4
Mouse 4 5
Mouse 5 6
Space 32
Tab 9
Enter 13
Shit 16
Alt 18
F1 112
F2 113
F3 114
F4 115
F5 116
F6 117
F7 118
F8 119
F9 120
F10 121
F11 122
F12 123
Entf 46
Einfg 45
Pos1 36
Ende 35
Bild Down 34
Bild Up 33
Numpad 1 97
Numpad 2 98
Numpad 3 99
Numpad 4 100
Numpad 5 101
Numpad 6 102
Numpad 7 103
Numpad 8 104
Numpad 9 105
Numpad + 107
Numpad - 109
Numpad / 111
Numpad * 106
Arrowleft 37
Arrowright 39
Arrowtop 38
Arrowbottom 40
1 49
2 50
3 51
4 52
5 53
6 54
7 55
8 56
9 57
0 48
´ 221
- 189
. 190
, 188
< 226
^ 220
ESC 27
A 65
B 66
C 67
D 68
E 69
F 70
G 71
H 72
I 73
J 74
K 75
L 76
M 77
N 78
O 79
P 80
Q 81
R 82
S 83
T 84
U 85
V 86
W 87
X 88
Y 89
Z 90
When you have changed them to what you like click on "Compile & copy. Or press F7.
After you have done that you should get something like this:
Now you can close sannybuilder.
Go to the folder that you had the cleo script in there should be a file like this.
If you had a cleo script by the name of abcd.cs it will be something like this: abcd[0].cs.
There will be a couple of text files also.
Just copy the .cs file into your CLEO folder in your San Andreas directory. Done.
Open your game and enjoy.
Download and install that.
Open Sannybuilder and click on decompile as such:

Or just press F5.
Locate your Cleo mod/hack, I prefer putting the ones in a separate folder called something like "My cleo scripts"
When you open it look for this line or something similar:
0AB0: key_pressed 57
Virtual Key Codes:
Key Number
Mouse 1 1
Mouse 2 2
Mouse 3 4
Mouse 4 5
Mouse 5 6
Space 32
Tab 9
Enter 13
Shit 16
Alt 18
F1 112
F2 113
F3 114
F4 115
F5 116
F6 117
F7 118
F8 119
F9 120
F10 121
F11 122
F12 123
Entf 46
Einfg 45
Pos1 36
Ende 35
Bild Down 34
Bild Up 33
Numpad 1 97
Numpad 2 98
Numpad 3 99
Numpad 4 100
Numpad 5 101
Numpad 6 102
Numpad 7 103
Numpad 8 104
Numpad 9 105
Numpad + 107
Numpad - 109
Numpad / 111
Numpad * 106
Arrowleft 37
Arrowright 39
Arrowtop 38
Arrowbottom 40
1 49
2 50
3 51
4 52
5 53
6 54
7 55
8 56
9 57
0 48
´ 221
- 189
. 190
, 188
< 226
^ 220
ESC 27
A 65
B 66
C 67
D 68
E 69
F 70
G 71
H 72
I 73
J 74
K 75
L 76
M 77
N 78
O 79
P 80
Q 81
R 82
S 83
T 84
U 85
V 86
W 87
X 88
Y 89
Z 90
When you have changed them to what you like click on "Compile & copy. Or press F7.
After you have done that you should get something like this:

Now you can close sannybuilder.
Go to the folder that you had the cleo script in there should be a file like this.
If you had a cleo script by the name of abcd.cs it will be something like this: abcd[0].cs.
There will be a couple of text files also.
Just copy the .cs file into your CLEO folder in your San Andreas directory. Done.
Open your game and enjoy.