What?The gay Gamer link said:You may copy the code and paste it here between these BBcodes [.code] [./code] without the .'s
or you may use pastebin.com or just upload the .txt file as attachment
No i upload txt files my website server with cleo or i want to send website (other site) post data With cleoThe gay Gamer link said:You want to upload a .cs file? use attachments.
When you're making a topic you'll see a 'Attachments and other options', click on it and redirect it to your .cs file, tada.
Wtf? I DONT WANT TO UPLOAD CLEO THIS FORUM, I want to upload txt file or send post data with cleo. Cleo upload to txt file my server. Like liecense system. (Server check key liencse my cleo if key liecense wrong at cleo, cleo doesnt work.) But same two key cleo works.The gay Gamer link said:Make a .zip or .rar file on your desktop and put all those files in that .zip file and then upload it via Attachment option.