So, I kinda wanna get back to playing ls rp since its the only server with a proper LSPD faction which im wanting to join, but I've been banned for money hacking, i was a fkin noob at that time dont blame me shiet. I've been ban evading ever since for like 2-3 accounts, all of them got caught.
I have a dyniamic IP, is it because they detect the IP since when you restart your router it only resets the last number?
Or is it because I use the almost similar fuckin email address all the time e.g;
So anyways, before I waste my shit time applying for a new character i wanna ask if you use a VPN just while registering the account and whenever you play the server w/o VPN will you get caught? If you do, anyone got pro tips on how to ban evade these shit stuffs? Thanks.
Sorry for the zerps, posted on my MP :urtheman:
I have a dyniamic IP, is it because they detect the IP since when you restart your router it only resets the last number?
Or is it because I use the almost similar fuckin email address all the time e.g;
So anyways, before I waste my shit time applying for a new character i wanna ask if you use a VPN just while registering the account and whenever you play the server w/o VPN will you get caught? If you do, anyone got pro tips on how to ban evade these shit stuffs? Thanks.
Sorry for the zerps, posted on my MP :urtheman: