BubbleSniffer allows you to log chat messages, levels, clan titles, afk status - and all kind of things that visible as a chat bubble on the players nickname. It can show messages from out-stream distances, afaik which is not possible by other scripts.
You can open/hide the menu by pressing F5 and scroll the messages with B+mouse wheel.
It will display messages as Time-Distance to player- Player name-Player id-text.
Configurable Settings
You can easily edit these following settings by open file with Notepad.
keyToggle- show/hide menu. keyids can be found via moonloader\lib\vkeys.lua
secondaryKey- message scroll key
positionX- X position of the menu. pos of x in the screen can be found via Cursor Position program.
positionY- Y position of the menu. pos of y in the screen can be found via Cursor Position program.
pagesize- size of menu(recommended to keep it default)
messagesMax- size of message history(recommended to keep it default)
blacklist - you can blacklist spesific messages. eg: 'bla bla example blacklist bla bla'
SAMP.lua(can be found in the moonloader thread)
Simply drag BubbleSniffer.lua to root folder of moonloader.
Original Russian Thread
You can open/hide the menu by pressing F5 and scroll the messages with B+mouse wheel.
It will display messages as Time-Distance to player- Player name-Player id-text.

Configurable Settings
You can easily edit these following settings by open file with Notepad.
keyToggle- show/hide menu. keyids can be found via moonloader\lib\vkeys.lua
secondaryKey- message scroll key
positionX- X position of the menu. pos of x in the screen can be found via Cursor Position program.
positionY- Y position of the menu. pos of y in the screen can be found via Cursor Position program.
pagesize- size of menu(recommended to keep it default)
messagesMax- size of message history(recommended to keep it default)
blacklist - you can blacklist spesific messages. eg: 'bla bla example blacklist bla bla'
SAMP.lua(can be found in the moonloader thread)
Simply drag BubbleSniffer.lua to root folder of moonloader.
Original Russian Thread