i already checked them. But couldn't find the offset I wanted.You can find a lot stuff if you try search..
Check snippets section, here you find samp info ptr.:
0.3.dl nametag hack is required. However, some servers use custom 3dtext nametags and turn off the default nametags. The above address is required to force the activation of the default nametag.
can you tell me how to check the 3dtext attach and increase the distance?Check for incoming create 3D Text Label/attach 3D text label, modify the draw distance to 9999?
This will make a nametag...
Though you will see all text labels from far apart but a way to prevent this, for example if ur in a RP server, check if the 3d text contains a underscore then modify the distance to 9999, that way most rp player's have underscores in name and you got yourself a nametag.
struct stSAMPPools
void *pMenu;
struct stActorPool *pActor;
struct stPlayerPool *pPlayer;
struct stVehiclePool *pVehicle;
struct stPickupPool *pPickup;
struct stObjectPool *pObject;
struct stGangzonePool *pGangzone;
struct stTextLabelPool *pText3D;
struct stTextdrawPool *pTextdraw;
struct stSAMP
uint8_t _pad0[20];
void *pUnk0;
struct stServerInfo *pServerInfo;
uint8_t _pad1[16];
void *pRakClientInterface;
char szIP[256 + 1];
char szHostname[256 + 1];
uint8_t _pad2;
bool m_bUpdateCameraTarget;
bool m_bNoNameTagStatus;
uint32_t ulPort;
BOOL m_bLanMode;
uint32_t ulMapIcons[SAMP_MAX_MAPICONS];
Gamestate iGameState;
uint32_t ulConnectTick;
struct stServerPresets *pSettings;
uint8_t _pad3[5];
struct stSAMPPools *pPools;
struct stTextLabel
char *pText;
DWORD color;
float fPosition[3];
float fMaxViewDistance;
uint8_t byteShowBehindWalls;
uint16_t sAttachedToPlayerID;
uint16_t sAttachedToVehicleID;
enum Limits
for (int = 0; i < SAMP_MAX_3DTEXTS; i++)
if (!g_stSAMP->pPools->pText3D->iIsListed[i]) continue;
if (ValidPlayer(g_stSAMP->pPools->pText3D->textLabel->sAttachedToPlayerID))
g_stSAMP->pPools->pText3D->textLabel->byteShowBehindWalls = (uint8_t)1;
g_stSAMP->pPools->pText3D->textLabel->fMaxViewDistance = 9999.0F;
Actually there's a better way, I'd do this before I'd try Raknet things.
SAMP_INFO_OFFSET, use that to get the SAMP struct. that is..
Code:struct stSAMPPools { void *pMenu; struct stActorPool *pActor; struct stPlayerPool *pPlayer; struct stVehiclePool *pVehicle; struct stPickupPool *pPickup; struct stObjectPool *pObject; struct stGangzonePool *pGangzone; struct stTextLabelPool *pText3D; struct stTextdrawPool *pTextdraw; }; struct stSAMP { uint8_t _pad0[20]; void *pUnk0; struct stServerInfo *pServerInfo; uint8_t _pad1[16]; void *pRakClientInterface; char szIP[256 + 1]; char szHostname[256 + 1]; uint8_t _pad2; bool m_bUpdateCameraTarget; bool m_bNoNameTagStatus; uint32_t ulPort; BOOL m_bLanMode; uint32_t ulMapIcons[SAMP_MAX_MAPICONS]; Gamestate iGameState; uint32_t ulConnectTick; struct stServerPresets *pSettings; uint8_t _pad3[5]; struct stSAMPPools *pPools; };
we need the stSAMP's pPools text3D pool.
The nametag's you are telling off just like in RCRP etc are 3D Text labels, you can loop through them like this.
Code:struct stTextLabel { char *pText; DWORD color; float fPosition[3]; float fMaxViewDistance; uint8_t byteShowBehindWalls; uint16_t sAttachedToPlayerID; uint16_t sAttachedToVehicleID; };
Code:enum Limits { SAMP_MAX_3DTEXTS = 2048 }; for (int = 0; i < SAMP_MAX_3DTEXTS; i++) { if (!g_stSAMP->pPools->pText3D->iIsListed[i]) continue; if (ValidPlayer(g_stSAMP->pPools->pText3D->textLabel->sAttachedToPlayerID)) { g_stSAMP->pPools->pText3D->textLabel->byteShowBehindWalls = (uint8_t)1; g_stSAMP->pPools->pText3D->textLabel->fMaxViewDistance = 9999.0F; } }
This should work perfectly fine, it will only increase the distance and allow seeing behind walls of nametag's that are attached to player, thats how custom nametags work.
There, their "anti nametag" destroyed in seconds. You can make it display health as well by adding HP and AR to the string of the text label and get the health by using the attached player ID.