The godmode is working perfecty! :urtheman:
There are just a few things..

First thing.
When I did /agm to DISABLE the hack, it disabled of course.
But, when I disable it, I can't do /kill. :yesyes:
(I can't do so as well when the godmode is enabled, but that's how it needs to be)
Could you set that if you disable the godmode, you can do /kill?
Because I can't do so. :sweet_jesus:
When I get killed after disabling the hack, it won't show on the kill screen.
You know, the kill screen, the screen which shows who killed who (right side of your screen)
So when I get killed , it wont show there. :yuno:
Glitch 1 = No /kill when disabled after enabling.
Glitch 2 = It won't show that you die if it's disabled after enabling.
I hope you fill fix those glitches, and I hope you understand my english. :forever_hurra:
(Tested on Cops and Robbers San Fierro, almost no anticheat, nice place to hack.)