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- Mar 5, 2014
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Hello :ugbase:
Since it's been a while since I've coded some shit :dont_care: , I decided to share with you my cleo hack pack for rp servers. Cleo aren't made by me, except unfreeze end.cs and auto_getmats.cs
It's gonna be a long description :kidding: . This hack pack contains :
Update 1:
Update 2
Update 3
Have fun. I forgot to post the commands to activate the cleos in shits.rar ( or maybe are auto-on ). If you don't know the key, just say it here, I will decompile it and say the command . If you need the source code of a cleo form this pack, post here and I'll send you a p.m.
Hope you like it. Enjoy hacking on Rp servers
Update 4
Finally got some time to update the hack pack :trollface:
Updated to samp 0.3.7. Unfortunately, I added only the haxes which are working fine for me, so if you have any problem, just say it to me through pm.
The .rar contains:
Have phun :trollface:. I'm sorry if I didn't post enough cheats for 0.3.7, when sampfuncs for 0.3.7 will be released, I will give you new hacks rp servers.
Edit : Added Update 1 and 2 of the hack pack :urtheman:
Edit2 : Added update 3 with all the updates in one rar :urtheman:
Edit 3: Added description from all updates.
Edit 4: The cleo hack pack works only for servers who still have samp 0.3z. For those who need it for samp 0.3.7 you need to learn how to script, 'cause it will take me a month for me to update them all.
Edit 5 : I updated the cleo pack again, download and have phun :trollface:
Edit 6: Reuploaded both files, added password: ugbase.eu. Enjoy :trollface:[/code]
Since it's been a while since I've coded some shit :dont_care: , I decided to share with you my cleo hack pack for rp servers. Cleo aren't made by me, except unfreeze end.cs and auto_getmats.cs
It's gonna be a long description :kidding: . This hack pack contains :
Anticrash by FYP - auto on ;
Anti-drugs effects by TH3RM4L - need Sampfuncs for it;
Sampfuncs 5.1.1 - the latest one;
AutoCMD Sender by Opcode.exe - Customizable keys in .ini;
Carrec.cs by Opcode.exe - C+P to start/stop recording the route + MGD.txd for the models/txd folder;
Player informer mod 2.0 by springfield - /pimod to enable/disable;
Silent's Asi loader v 1.2;
+C - made by Opcode.exe - which gives you Deagle with 5000 bullets;
Aimbot.cs made by springfield - activate by F11;
AntiCaduta made by ( I don't know who did this cleo ) - You want fall of from bike;
AntiFall.cs - made by ( I'm too lazy to search at releases to see who made it ) - auto-on;
Anti-Stunshot - activate num4-num5 ( with Numlock on ) - made by xzytro;
auto_getmats.cs - made by me :trollface: - auto-on;
Car_Freeze&Coliision - Made by Fa004 - activate F10;
eject.cs ( don't know who made it ) - it allows you to exit very fast the car you are in - activate with left arrow key;
ExtraWeaponZoom - scroll mouse to zoom more than the limit;
FastWalk - changes the speed of the ped - b+1 normal B=2 faster B=3 even faster b+4 even faster b+5 very fast b+6 faster than an infernus ( I guess :trollface: );
fast_connect - made by 0x688 - auto-on;
fex.cs ( fast enter exit ) - type fex as a cheat;
FPS.cs - shows your fps ingame;
H&A - made by 0B36 - auto-on;
instant stop.cs - press backspace to stop instantly;
inviz.cs ( don't know who made it ) - press 0 to be invisible ( works like a charm, no one will see you );
MOSH_by m1zg4rd - allows to search for an object ingame - activate p+9;
PROCHECKPOINT.cs made by zin - allows you to teleport to a checkpoint and then it turns you back to original location;
reload.cs - press r to reload any weapon anywhere, anytime;
Repair&Flip.cs - press r to repair and flip your car ( it won't conflict with reload.cs );
SkinAimbot.cs by Opcode.exe - on/off version - activate F12;
Spider.cs ( Still don't know who made it :table_flip:) - go to a wall and press space before aproaching it and you'll climb the building :forever_hurra: ;
spread.cs made by Opcode.exe - type spread ingame to have nospread at every weapon;
unfreeze end.cs made by me - press end to unfreeze;
VehicleName.cs - shows the name of the vehicles ingame - auto-on;
wh03z made by ( Still don't know who made it :red_eyes: ) - press alt + F3;
Who Shoots - activate with i+1.
Update 1:
BorgHack.exe - smooth aimbot for lagshoot servers
Car-HPIndicator.cs - auto-on - shows on a range the hp of vehicles. Range adjustable in the .ini
auto_money.cs - (probably not) working on rp servers, good for dm servers
FPS-Boost.cs - boosts your fps - probably auto-on, made by a russian and encrypted so no code :kidding:
into_car.cs - enters very fast in a car - activation right arrow key
NoSplat.cs - no splat anim after fall - made by 0B36 - auto-on
superpatch.cs - decreases the damage of all weapons - activation F2 - NO .INI ! :trollface:
AFK-GHOST[R] - made by Opcode.exe - activation R
shits.rar made by monday ( some of them are unfinished ) contains :
-routesave.cs ( with .ini )
-superaimer.cs ( with .ini )
-aimer.cs ( with .ini )
A little info about shits.rar :
Unfinished/buggy/unstable/not working/unsure:
Designed for specific server:
-bind_ones - LS Cops and robbers server
-autoMowingChat - "True Roleplay server"
-autoPizza and autoSmuggle - West Coast roleplay
-autoTrucker and autoGarbage - Italy Mafia RP
Potentially insta-detectable:
-weapon spawn (it works on NEF server though)
-all autoJobs (maybe except autoMowingChat + the ones for West Coast RP)
Update 2
driveby.cs - http://ugbase.eu/releases-6/driveby-cs/
clearchat - mabe by 0B36 - activation * ( numpad )
FreezeRotation.exe - by Opcode.exe - always on ( you will need to keep the hack open for that ) http://ugbase.eu/releases-26/freezerotation-exe-disable-spin-and-rotation-matrix/
InfiniteNosv2- by Ed004 ( Fa004 Productions ) - type "nos" like a cheat and hold lmb for nitro ( cars only )
Quick Sprunk - by Ed004 ( Fa004 Productions ) - Very useful in RP servers :urtheman: Skips the drinking animation from the vending machines. This cleo comes in 2 versions.
-first one with activation/deactivation : type SPRUNK like a cheat
-auto on ( recommended if you're too lazy to type sprunk :dont_care: )
Deagles.cs - made by me :trollface: - activate numlock ( this script makes you shoot 3 times faster with deagle. NO, it's not RAPID-FIRE ! )
Roubo_imediato - made by hussain - press y when near a car and you'll enter it instantly :forever_hurra:
Calculator - by monday - http://ugbase.eu/releases-6/calculator/
flipcar - by HapeHD - activation /.fz id http://ugbase.eu/releases-6/carflip-cs-trolling-hack-(video)/
Wixplode aimbot ( for lagcomp off ; it's not silent aimbot, it's smooth aimbot ) - made by [Fired_uP]WiX.
Stream INI Extender - For those who have lag problems .
Update 3
- GameSpeed.cs G and + (numpad +) increase speed of the game ; G and - (numpad -) decreasee speed of the game.
- Reconnect.cs - Shift + 0 (not numpad) - Allows you to reconnect to the game (NEED SAMPFUNCS IN ORDER TO NOT CRASH)
- trig.cs ( by springfield ) - auto-on (It shoots automatically when you aim at the target) This cleo is very good used with fasterCbug.exe (credits to Opcode.exe) and aimbot :trollface:
- ceas.cs ( This mod is auto-on. It shows you the time and date in-game, adjustable in .ini with your own name )
- FasterCbug.exe by Opcode.exe (Just open it and you'll know what to do :urtheman:)
- AntiCarJacking.cs (unknown author :imoverit:) - press ctrl + 9 when someone jacks your car and he will get out of the car and you'll be back as the driver :urtheman: :trollface:
- AntiCollision.cs - My modified version. Press numpad + to activate no collision and numpad - to deactivate it (WARNING ! It won't work for objects, if you hit an object, you will get stuck in it !)
- Nrg500 Backflip&frontflip. Very useful for nrg stunts :omg_run: Press 1 to do frontflip and 3 for backflip (keys adjustable in .ini)
- mousefix.exe by Justinian (romanian version) - It fixes your 0y axis problem :urtheman:
- weapons.cs (Made by meh :urtheman:) - Speeds up the animations for every weapon (except sniper, combat shotgun, knife and all other weapons like knife) Activation - numlock.
Have fun. I forgot to post the commands to activate the cleos in shits.rar ( or maybe are auto-on ). If you don't know the key, just say it here, I will decompile it and say the command . If you need the source code of a cleo form this pack, post here and I'll send you a p.m.
Hope you like it. Enjoy hacking on Rp servers
Update 4
Finally got some time to update the hack pack :trollface:
Updated to samp 0.3.7. Unfortunately, I added only the haxes which are working fine for me, so if you have any problem, just say it to me through pm.
The .rar contains:
-stream.ini extender - for those with lag problems
-silent's asi loader 1.2
-freezerotation.exe by [member=60]Opcode.eXe[/member]
-Carrec.cs by Opcode.exe
-Anticrasher 0.3z and 0.3.7 ( both are working fine, none of them have issues with the other one )
-[E4]Infinite nos v2
-[E4] QuickSprunk ( auto-on and with activation )
-Wixplode aimbot
-WhoShoots ( i + 1 )
-weapons.cs ( by meh :trollface: ) - It speeds up all the animations ( reloading, switching, shooting ) up to 2.0 times ( activate with numlock )
-VehicleName.cs ( auto-on )
-UnfreezeEnd.cs ( By me :trollface: :trollface: ) - activation end
-trig.cs by [member=111]springfield[/member]
-TPTO by [member=6677]TH3RM4L[/member] - Press insert and Teleport the player to ocean ( you need for that player to be incar, or else it won't work )
-Skin-Aimbot.cs ( F12 on/off ) -by Opcode.exe
-spread.cs ( by Opcode.exe )
-repair&Flip.cs ( press r to repair and flip )
-reload.cs ( press r to reload your weapon anywhere) ( don't worry, it won't conflict with repair&flip.cs )
-ProCheckpoint.cs ( type on like a cheat and have phun teleporting :trollface: )
-Nrg500 Backflip&frontflip ( change the keys in .ini )
-Mousefix by Justinian ( fixes 0y axis problem )
-instantconnect.cs by [member=8182]0B36[/member]
-H&A by 0B36 ( auto-on ) shows your health in percentage
-GameSpeed.cs ( speeds up your game speed ) G and +(numpad) - speeds up the game; g and - ( numpad ) slows down the game
-FasterCbug.exe by Opcode.exe
-fps.cs ( shows fps ingame )
-ExtraWeaponZoom.cs ( scroll your mouse and you will zoom with any weapon )
-cc 0.3.7 - activation *(numpad)
-cbug.cs by Opcode.exe ( type cbug like a cheat )
-Cam.cs by Opcode.exe
-auto_money ( gives you money ) [probably] still working in some dm servers.
-auto_getmats.cs 0.3.7 topic http://ugbase.eu/releases-6/new-auto_getmats-cs/
-anti-stunshot ( numpad 4 on/ numpad 5 off )
-anticollision ( vehicles only ) - activation numpad +/ deactivation numpad -
-anticarjacking - press ctrl+9 and no-one will ever jack your car again
-Anticaduta.cs ( auto-on )
-aimbot.cs by Springfield - press F11 and it's on :trollface:
Have phun :trollface:. I'm sorry if I didn't post enough cheats for 0.3.7, when sampfuncs for 0.3.7 will be released, I will give you new hacks rp servers.
Edit : Added Update 1 and 2 of the hack pack :urtheman:
Edit2 : Added update 3 with all the updates in one rar :urtheman:
Edit 3: Added description from all updates.
Edit 4: The cleo hack pack works only for servers who still have samp 0.3z. For those who need it for samp 0.3.7 you need to learn how to script, 'cause it will take me a month for me to update them all.
Edit 5 : I updated the cleo pack again, download and have phun :trollface:
Edit 6: Reuploaded both files, added password: ugbase.eu. Enjoy :trollface:[/code]