Active member
Hello :ugbase: members...
All of you can make a cleo like, automatically typing /afk if got this message
yeah like that... if that message showed in chatbox, i want it automatically typing /afk , it's make me can sleep without typing /afk as shit..
Please i really need this..
PFFH: , and i want this will be auto-on
PFFH: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:
All of you can make a cleo like, automatically typing /afk if got this message
this the image:{FF6347}Anda telah memasuki AFK mode!, ketik /afk untuk lanjut main

yeah like that... if that message showed in chatbox, i want it automatically typing /afk , it's make me can sleep without typing /afk as shit..
Please i really need this..