SA:MP Translate - unique modification for San Andreas Multiplayer. This plugin allows you to effortlessly understand and communicate with your foreign friends on different servers SA:MP
Automatically translates a message when you send them to chat
Translates the message from the chatbox, just click on it
Quality translation using Google Translate
/translate - displays the description and commands in chat
/translate on/off - enable/disable plugin
/translate lang code - installs target translate language (Ex: /translate lang uk - all your messages will translate to Ukrainian)
[pre]There are all available language codes for translate[/pre]
Client SA:MP 0.3z R1
CLEO 4.1
Copy files SAMPTranslate.sf and SA-MP Translate.ini to folder SAMPFUNCS
*created by*
Automatically translates a message when you send them to chat
Translates the message from the chatbox, just click on it
Quality translation using Google Translate

/translate - displays the description and commands in chat
/translate on/off - enable/disable plugin
/translate lang code - installs target translate language (Ex: /translate lang uk - all your messages will translate to Ukrainian)
Enabled = 1 // 1 - plugin is enabled by default, 0 - is disabled
Source language=auto // Language from translate, auto - detection your language is automatic
Target language = en // Language to translate
Source language=auto // Language from translate, auto - detection your language is automatic
Target language = en // Language to translate
[pre]There are all available language codes for translate[/pre]
Client SA:MP 0.3z R1
CLEO 4.1
Copy files SAMPTranslate.sf and SA-MP Translate.ini to folder SAMPFUNCS
*created by*