FraizeR007 link said:Is this to your own server?
If not. thats impossible
/spec is server sided :me_gusta:
BlackHat link said:lol how comes it is impossible ?
it is totally possible , i would make it for you
doesn't even need big code , but i'm too busy
guys i have a code.BlackHat link said:I just wanted to let u know it is possible to avoid getting this locked
I will do it as soon as i have free time
It is easy register /s then scan it for player id then say massage /spec id
Nothing special
Beside can't/don't
Ok for sure i can't code everything
But don't ?
From when i don't want to help someone? Srsly spring?
0000: NOP
0B34: samp register_client_command "s" to_label @r
wait 0
goto @loop
wait 0
0AD4: 1@ = scan_string 0@ format "%d %s" 2@ 3@v
jf @loop
0AF9: "/spec %d %s" 2@ 3@v
goto @loop
0000: NOP
0B34: samp register_client_command "s" to_label @r
wait 0
goto @loop
wait 0
0AD4: 1@ = scan_string 0@ format "%d" 2@
jf @loop
0AF9: "/spec %d" 2@
goto @loop