Explain what you are trying to accomplish properly if you want some help, most readers here reject vague explanations.Hello,
could you create a cleo for me if I swim so that I am tilted 90 degrees?
I'm attaching a photo of what it should look like.
well thank you
Explain what you are trying to accomplish properly if you want some help, most readers here reject vague explanations.
{$CLEO .cs}
0000: rotate actor facing
while true
wait 0
if and
0965: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR swimming
0AB0: key_pressed 88 // X
0172: 0@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR Z_angle
0@ += 90.0 // rotate 90 degrees
0173: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR Z_angle_to 0@
02EB: restore_camera_with_jumpcut // set camera to actor facing
while 0AB0: key_pressed 88 // X
wait 0
you misunderstood me. My swimming I have now is like this: Photo1.
I want to have such a swim as on: Photo2.
Photo1: is a photo from my GTA.
Photo2: is downloaded from youtube
well thank you