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- Jan 21, 2014
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I want to add the drawbar made by PopandaulX but when i press the activation key it draws the bar in the left corner then gta stop working.
I just add the snippet to the code.
I just add the snippet to the code.
{$cleo .cs}
0000: NOP
if not 32@ = SAMP.Base()
then 0A93: end_custom_thread
while not SAMP.Available()
wait 100
wait 4000
0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "{1E90FF}P1cador: {FFFFFF} HZ.BY WallHack. {1E90FF}Activation: {FFFFFF}1-2" color 0xFFFF00
if and
wait 0
0ab0: 107 //Pp
jf @1
alloc 14@ 48
0C11: memset destination 14@ value 0 size 48
0B6D: render 25@ = create_font "Tahoma" height 9 flags 0x4
while true
wait 0
0A8D: 29@ = read_memory 0xB74490 size 4 virtual_protect 0
000A: 29@ += 0x4
0A8D: 29@ = read_memory 29@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
for 30@ = 0 to 35584 step 0x100
0A8D: 31@ = read_memory 29@ size 1 virtual_protect 0
000A: 29@ += 0x1
if and
0029: 31@ >= 0x00
001B: 0x80 > 31@
005A: 31@ += 30@
if and
056D: actor 31@ defined
803C: $PLAYER_ACTOR <> 31@
0B2B: samp 28@ = get_player_id_by_actor_handle 31@
0B36: samp 27@ = get_player_nickname 28@
21@ = SAMP.GetPlayerHealthByActorHandle(28@)
Actor.StorePos(31@, 1@, 2@, 3@)
if 00C2: sphere_onscreen 1@ 2@ 3@ radius 0.0
0B55: convert_3D_coords 1@ 2@ 3@ to_screen 4@ 5@
//22@ = Samp.GetPlayerArmorByActorHandle(28@)
if not SAMP.IsPlayerPaused(28@)
format 14@ "%s [%d] - {ff0000}%d HP" 27@ 28@ 21@
format 14@ "%s [%d] - {ffffff}AFK" 27@ 28@
0B6F: render font 25@ draw_text 14@ pos 4@ 5@ color 0xFF1E90FF
0093: 31@ = integer 21@ to_float
0AB1: call_scm_func @drawBar 6 coords_X 4@ coords_Y 5@ value 21@ size X 40.0 Y 4.0 thickness 2.0
if 0ab0: 107 //Pp
free 14@
jump @1
0B2B: samp 28@ = get_player_id_by_actor_handle 31@
0B36: samp 27@ = get_player_nickname 28@
Actor.StorePos(31@, 1@, 2@, 3@)
0B55: convert_3D_coords 1@ 2@ 3@ to_screen 4@ 5@
0B6F: render font 25@ draw_text 27@ pos 4@ 5@ color 0xFF1E90FF
//0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "P1cador: %s [%d]" color 0xFFF0FF 27@ 28@
wait 100
jump @1
13@ = 100.0
0073: 13@ /= 3@ // (float)
0073: 2@ /= 13@ // (float)
0087: 11@ = 3@ // (float)
0087: 12@ = 4@ // (float)
005B: 11@ += 5@ // (float)
005B: 12@ += 5@ // (float)
038E: draw_box_position 0@ 1@ size 11@ 12@ RGBA 0 0 0 255
038E: draw_box_position 0@ 1@ size 3@ 4@ RGBA 100 0 0 255
0087: 10@ = 2@ // (float)
0017: 10@ /= 2.0
0017: 3@ /= 2.0
005B: 0@ += 10@ // (float)
0063: 0@ -= 3@ // (float)
038E: draw_box_position 0@ 1@ size 2@ 5.0 RGBA 255 0 0 255
0AB2: ret 0