Search results

  1. Schinko

    Untagged Release SobFoX Project v0.0.0.4

    Re: Project SobFoX v0.0.0.4 Nice one tho. Good work! I Think its rapid fire
  2. Schinko

    CLEO Help Looking for anyone to help me find something.

    This wallhack displays bone esp, name and HP in %
  3. Schinko

    CLEO Help Looking for anyone to help me find something.

    You mean wallhack/nametag? dafuq
  4. Schinko

    [Disscusion] UG-Base Activity

    Yea, you're probably right about cleo. But we could do the same with CSGO and other games hacks. Just advertising by making videos. It would definitely bring also new creators. That would be good, but we need some questions at first. Or do you mean a poll about what games should be addeed?
  5. Schinko

    General Talk

    learn cleo scripting in few hours and make your own for every samp version  :trollface:
  6. Schinko

    [Disscusion] UG-Base Activity

    What do you say about the idea of starting to make tutorials of cleo scripting and co. ? I would love to watch tutorials from you or opcode to learn how to script. And I bet I'm not the only one. Videos are btw. much much easier to understand than just reading 200 pages on gtaforums. By this way...
  7. Schinko

    OP-HaX | Premium GIVEAWAY to one person

    lol? i got it
  8. Schinko

    [Disscusion] UG-Base Activity

    Mr.Christmas said it pretty much. We could add the section, but who will post free hacks for it? Of course people could make official topics to order a special hack for $$ if 0x688 agrees.
  9. Schinko

    OP-HaX | Premium GIVEAWAY to one person

    Er ist ein echt cooler Typ. Großen Respekt dafür, dass er (und natürlich mit deiner Hilfe) das ganze auf die Beine gestellt hat und auch immer noch am Leben hält bzw. nicht aufgibt in solch einer schweren Zeit. Zudem ist er der Gründer der internationalen SAMP-Hacking community, ganz...
  10. Schinko

    Untagged Release FastMap

    Nice, even better than the mta map  :me_gusta:
  11. Schinko

    Untagged Release Rainbow Weapons

    For everyone who got problems: Install this All-In-One Runtimes package It's german, but it also says that you can use it without any problems on non-german systems. springfield put this link in your topic (first post)
  12. Schinko

    [Disscusion] UG-Base Activity

    Yea you're right. Elitepvpers is doing the same way. If you use their searchbar you'll get google results. It's actually much better.
  13. Schinko

    Crazy Skull 0.3.7

    Looks dope right now. But you could add a option too attack all players arround you (not at same time, but one after one)
  14. Schinko

    Crazy Skull 0.3.7

    :excited_troll: Looks amazingly epic tho. Reminds of a black magical force or some curse. Could you make please a video on a big server, wanna see this thing in action with very many players.
  15. Schinko


    W is 87 Here is a list of all virtual keycodes
  16. Schinko

    [Disscusion] UG-Base Activity

    Not only CS:GO, there are hundred of popular f2p shooter, like Special force 2 (S.K.I.L.L.), Crossfire, Warrock and so on. But it hasn't to be shooter only, there are also hacks and hack developer for rpg's and stuff. Like Metin 2 or Flyff and similar shit. 0x688 can set the request-section to...
  17. Schinko

    Untagged Release Triggerfinger.eXe - it's better than an Aimbot!

    Opcode.eXe jedes mal stürzt die exe nach der console ab. "Triggerfinger.exe funktioniert nicht mehr." Gibt's da irgendeine Lösung? edit: der cleo geht übrigens auch nicht. drücke ingame F10 aber es tut sich nichts, triggern geht auch nicht. Muss manuell schießen.
  18. Schinko

    [Disscusion] UG-Base Activity

    :ugbase: UG-Base - Gamehacking Portal [hr] Bringing new activity You can finally start with new sections and many other games. In the logo it says "Gamehacking Protal" not "SAMP Hacking Portal" so why not creating new sections, advertising this site and getting many new members, that do hacks...
  19. Schinko

    CLEO Help Sanny Builder error

    Sup. I'm getting always this shitty error when I wanna compile ANY cleo without putting EVERY opcode in front of the function. For example: "wait 0" shows up the error below It's german and means "incorrect directive" And if I add "0001:" in front of "wait 0" it works. I need to write the...
  20. Schinko

    CLEO Help Need simple SP Cheats as opcode

    I don't get any list just wanna practice making some cleos and I also want to make a single script with most immunities by my self, but yea, I need a little help lol sure, but give me the code not a compiled file
  21. Schinko

    CLEO Help Need simple SP Cheats as opcode

    whats the opcode for setting players oxygen, health, armor and all that stuff couldn't find it on cleo library in gtaforums I want to create a simple cleo that gives you most attributes infinite and maybe make it toggle able for rp servers with many admins
  22. Schinko

    Untagged Release samp.saa - Custom SAA2 tool

    I get everytime everywhere banned when I edit the weapon.dat  :sadpepe:
  23. Schinko

    How to change the activation keys on a cleo script

    how do I replace a activation key with a key combination ? how do I replace a activation key with a cheat code/keyword ?
  24. Schinko

    CLEO Release TIMEFREEZE.cs

    does it freezes the time on the server (like I activate on daytime, and it stays daytime) or does it freezes everything, like desyncer?
  25. Schinko

    Untagged Release samp.saa - Custom SAA2 tool

    If I delete everything except the dat-file I want to edit, will I get any problems?
  26. Schinko

    Untagged Release samp.saa - Custom SAA2 tool

    does it work on 0.3.7 or not? some people here say it doesn't
  27. Schinko

    Kid delete System32
  28. Schinko

    Untagged Release Rainbow Weapons

    Works, thank u  :yesyes:
  29. Schinko

    CLEO Release A different player finder

    Tear  Zone: BLUAC is Blueberry Acces, the big farm in the middle of the map (x=0,y=0,z=0)
  30. Schinko

    Untagged Release Rainbow Weapons

    Nope, still doesn't work. I tried without any other mods, only colormod.asi, RRRainbowW.asi and the guns in the gta3.img. (using Silent's Asi Loader 1.3) Oh and the Sniper doens't have a crosshair springfield
  31. Schinko

    Untagged Release Rainbow Weapons

    Pretty awesome, but I found a big bug. If I go to my desktop (hit windowsbutton) I can't go back ingame. My game freezes and crashes after few minutes. springfield
  32. Schinko

    APP Release Fast Screen

    I can only make 1 screenshot. It also shows in chat "Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-1337" but after that one screenshot I can't make another one. Until I restart the game. Can you fix that? springfield
  33. Schinko

    Help Sampfuncs v5.2.2 console cmds

    doesn't work, same error: "Unkown command: help"
  34. Schinko


    Re: [CLEO][RELEASE] WALLHACK FOR SA-MP 0.3.7 I pressed CKWH at same time, I activated it. But as I pressed again it didn't turn off.
  35. Schinko

    Help Sampfuncs v5.2.2 console cmds

    bump KingOfZion 0x688
  36. Schinko


    Re: [CLEO][RELEASE] WALLHACK FOR SA-MP 0.3.7 Can't deactivate it, but its pretty nice. thanks.
  37. Schinko

    CLEO Release Hack Pack Gone

    Re: CLEO Hack Pack v.IX please add a txt like dis: nope.cs = you cant get freezed with this - code: NOPE / key: n / cmd: /nope (just add all descriptions in one txt file)
  38. Schinko

    Help Sampfuncs v5.2.2 console cmds

    How can I use the commands in the sampfuncs console? e.g. I type getfps, it have to write down the current frames per second, but all it says is "Unkown command: getfps" how to fix this? how can i use dem commands?
  39. Schinko

    Untagged Release [PRIVATE] Vehicle Path Recording RELEASE

    Get latest sampfuncs and try to remove other cleo mods
  40. Schinko

    CLEO Release PH_HUD (Awesome 3D Text HUD) | SAMP 0.3.7

    Re: [CLEO] PH_HUD (Awesome 3D Text HUD) | SAMP 0.3.7
  41. Schinko

    CLEO Release A different player finder

    Doesn't work for me though. The line always leads to pos 0 in blueberry.
  42. Schinko

    CLEO Release [REL] Anti Crasher 0.3.7 [CLEO]

    Old one worked for me as well as this one, but thanks.
  43. Schinko

    CLEO Help Searching for Aimbot lagcomp off

    Search for UltAimbot, works fine
  44. Schinko

    CLEO Release sa:mp fps limit removal

    Works in 0.3.7, getting up to 599.9 FPS  :omg_run:
  45. Schinko

    Toggle-able infinite sprint.

    Press B to activate, press N to deactivate.
  46. Schinko


    cuz u r unworthy  :fuck_you:
  47. Schinko

    Untagged Release [RELEASE]Pickup finder

    Alright thanks. But if I wont use these commands, and just keep searching with Car like driving arroung there will be no reports for teleporting?
  48. Schinko

    Untagged Release [RELEASE]Pickup finder

    Pretty nice, but I got some questions. - Does it works on bike and in car? - How near I have to be to see the pickup (do I have to be like 2-3 meters next to the object, or does it show as far as the nametags of players with wallhack? Or even over the whole map?) - Are there any chances to get...
  49. Schinko

    CLEO Release WallHack (PLUS) 03z/R2

    cuz F4 is changing class m8
  50. Schinko

    CLEO Release Kr4t0s commands

    :urtheman: :urtheman:
  51. Schinko

    CLEO Release Ultimate aimbot (supports : LagShoot + sniper + vehicle)

    Its pretty nice cuz it works with sniper and for cars. but its not that accurate, I dont hit the players mostly  :sadpepe:
  52. Schinko

    Untagged Release [PRIVATE] Vehicle Path Recording RELEASE

    Schau im Thread? 5.2.2
  53. Schinko

    CLEO Help Need help about Kick.cs

    just move the fuckin sampfuncs.asi in gta directory
  54. Schinko

    [REQUEST] Sensitivity tweak.

    Use sensfix. u can steer the sensitivity ingame with Ctrl+1+Up/Down-Arrow for global sensitivity, Ctrl+2 for aiming with every weapon, and Ctrl+3 for aiming with sniper only
  55. Schinko

    move radar

    or you use this map.cs
  56. Schinko

    Untagged Release [PRIVATE] Vehicle Path Recording RELEASE

    Aw  :okey: Can someone else make such cleo or edit his script? Mr.Christmas springfield 0x688 @everyoneelsewhocandothis
  57. Schinko

    Untagged Release [PRIVATE] Vehicle Path Recording RELEASE

    It's very awesome. Thank you.  :somuchwin: But please update the cleo and add some features like stopping the car, when pressing space (but it should brake smooth, has to look real). And it should be able to record when the vehicle is stopping. Like you drive to the next checkpoint, wait 20...
  58. Schinko

    CLEO Release [RELEASE]Load your cleo mods in-game! [V2 has been launched]

    I love it. Now I can load new cleo mods ingame, without rejoining the servers. I would love to see some features like /csstop or /csunload (for stopping a cleo mod). If that's possible, lol.
  59. Schinko

    Untagged Release Ping Aimbot

    Re: [ASI] ping aimbot Could you please add a Toggle key? A combination like on the Nametaghack. (Shift+<Something>)
  60. Schinko

    CLEO Release Checkpoint.cs - Automatically drive to checkpoints!

    I cant deactivate it. For e.g. if I type GO the car starts driving but drives sometimes against a wall and I cant stop it whit typing again GO, but I also cant stop it when I exit the car, if I enter it again the car continues driving. Opcode.eXe please fix this, this cleo is damn helpful ...
  61. Schinko

    CLEO Release [RELEASE] Bullet-Proof by Noobish (( 95% Undetectable))

    Well, thats pretty cool, but on the server I play mostly the admins always spectate cheaters..  :bawww:
  62. Schinko

    CLEO Release /.w command | Change your weather [TESTED]

    Re: [CLEO] /.w command | Change your weather [TESTED] Doesn't work for me, the weather just stays for like 3 seconds, than the serverside-weather id is active again
  63. Schinko

    CLEO Release SniperZoom.cs

    Omg I love you  :somuchwin: this should be included in every cleo.
  64. Schinko

    Untagged Release [0.3Z,0.3X R1 and R1-2] Fast Connect

    Re: [0.3X R1] Fast Connect Does not work for me, but why. I followed all instructions, still not working.
  65. Schinko

    Untagged Release [0.3Z,0.3X R1 and R1-2] Fast Connect

    Re: [0.3X R1] Fast Connect 4.1:
  66. Schinko

    Help What is the best Sobeit ?

  67. Schinko

    CLEO Release [CLEO]Reconnect

    Works nice, but if did reconnected and than I die 2 times, it crashes, lol.
  68. Schinko

    Untagged Release [0.3Z,0.3X R1 and R1-2] Fast Connect

    Re: [0.3X R1] Fast Connect just install cleo 4 @0x688: Warum geht das nicht bei mir? Hab asi loader und das update installiert..
  69. Schinko

    Untagged Release [0.3Z,0.3X R1 and R1-2] Fast Connect

    Re: [0.3X R1] Fast Connect English: Doesn't work, I did installed the "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 1" and put the mrvc100.dll in the GTA Folder, if I connect, it still slowly. Deutsch: Fuktioniert nicht, hab "Visual C++ Redistributable für Visual Studio 2012...
  70. Schinko


    Can you do only a Triggerbot.cs with a toggle key?
  71. Schinko

    CLEO Release [CLEO]Reconnect

    You need sampfuncs for 0.3x
  72. Schinko

    ASI/DLL Anti Crash [samp.dll] 0.3x

    Hey, i did found the anticrash DLL in ec-clan forum. Usage: just replace your samp.dll(in your samp folder) for this one. and have fun! ;) ;);) by 25GHz (aka [HAX]Unknown_RPG.exe) download: ... z-.7z.html
  73. Schinko

    Nametaghack 0.3x[Solved]

    Re: Nemetaghack 0.3x ALT+F3 activate/deactivate
  74. Schinko

    SAMP.dll - AntiCrash For 0.3x

    doesnt work by me, i also become opcode's (warnings) and crashes. is there arent a anti crash samp.dll for 0.3x?
  75. Schinko

    Nametaghack 0.3x[Solved]

    Re: Nemetaghack 0.3x thank your very much ??? :) :):)
  76. Schinko

    Nametaghack 0.3x[Solved]

    hey, i am searchin an nametag hack for 0.3x like this:
  77. Schinko

    SAMP.dll - AntiCrash For 0.3x

    if you use anti crash, you cant become opcode's or warnings, and your game doesnt crash. (samp)
  78. Schinko

    Ping Aimbot Change Key

    i want a Ping Aimbot (.exe) on key: Q=Acitivate & E=Deaktivate can anyone change the keys of the .exe?
  79. Schinko

    Special Aimbot

    I'm using it already, but it's not like that what i want/described.. Benutze es bereits, aber es funktioniert nicht so wie ich es will/beschrieben hab..
  80. Schinko

    reconnect.asi 0.3x

    You can type ingame /reconnect, /nick [NewNickname], /connect [Server], /list (Shows your Favorite List)
  81. Schinko

    Special Aimbot

    english: hey, i am searching an Aimbot for Samp thats only turns on if i press the RMB. (Right Mouse Button) is there one like this? if not can anyone pls create one? @opcode.eXe: @0x688: may u? :3 Cleo or .exe does not matter, main thing its working *____* Need's to work in 0.3e and 0.3x...
  82. Schinko

    reconnect.asi 0.3x

    I am searching it also, i just found for 0.3d :( :(:( For 0.3e and 0.3x im searching.
  83. Schinko

    CLEO Release 1

    Please anyone translate it on german? :oops: :oops::oops:
  84. Schinko

    CLEO Release Ihitman.cs

    So, on every Server i played, the hitman skills was on max level. I'd never seen a Server where i have only 1 colt45.. you know what i mean? sry bad english.