Oops, forgot about one important step, which is get the player bone head position, I've edited my previous post.
Here's a bare script test I did to make sure it kinda works, you need to add some checks to see if the player is on screen etc.
thread "shit"
wait 0
vector camera_posn; // game camera position
vector player_posn; // the position of the player you want to get the healthbar
float cam_distance = distance(camera_posn, player_posn)
player_posn = player->get_bone_position(BONE_HEAD); // BONE_HEAD = 8
player_posn.z += 0.2f + (cam_distance *...
So, i've seen people liked this mod and requested it on PMs and forum.
So here's a new better version with some cool updates and fixes.
Edit the bars position from game, use /editPI then drag the bars with the mouse over the screen.
Edit colors directly from game using /editPIC...
Hello, i made this simple wallhack with a little extra, enables DISABLED nametags(good for RP servers in which normal wallhacks still don't show nametags, or dm servers like TDM)
activation ALT + F3.
screenshoot proof(F8).
no sampfuncs needed.
Just a ping shower, it works very nice doesn't matter if the other player has 20 ping or 300.
Cleo PingPoint SAMP
Activation key '+' (plus)
Deactivation key '-' (minus)
IMPORTANT; You need sampfunctions 2.3!
EDITED: Download link in attachment.
I tryed to post this in the release...
SAMPFUNCS(abbreviated SF) is a mod, created and maintained by FYP, that expands the CLEO 4 library and adds extended support for SA-MP related functions.
Beside CLEO, it also supports the creations of plugins(.sf) in C++ using the API provided.
SAMPFUNCS is only compatible with the...
Shows nametags through walls and at max. stream distance, also enableds gamemode disabled nametags.
activation ALT + F3
screenshot proof(F8), mod will disable for a second allowing your screenshot to be clear.
work only on SA-MP 0.3.7 / 0.3.DL-R1
CLEO and ASI are and work the same, the...
Check mod_sa source for offset, for another way to enable nametags that are disabled by the server check; http://ugbase.eu/index.php?threads/nametaghack-0-3-7-0-3-dl-cleo-exe-asi.12022/, yes i know this is posted in c++, but you could just grab the addresses and use 'em.
There's probably no pointer, and if it is, it's being cleared the same frame by the dialog process function. You'd probably need to hook some close/callback function.
0407: store_coords_to 1@ 2@ 3@ from_car 0@ with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0
You need to advance the offset, 0, 0, 0 would be the center of the car. Alternatively you could get the bumper component position.
Try it like this;
0A97: 10@ = car 0@ struct
0A8C: write_mem 0xB7CD68 size 4 val 10@ vp 0
Maybe you mean samp module base address, since the GTA SA base address would always be 0x400000, the default for x86 procs.
Then it's not a static offset relative to samp module, use CE to generate a pointer map for the address, and filter out bad results.
In the same way as this ; http://ugbase.eu/index.php?threads/dll-call.20643/#post-120459
0x80F60 is CDXUTEditBox::SetText (0.3.7 R1), call it like this
((void(__thiscall *)(void*, const char*, bool))samp.dll+0x80F60)(CInput->szInputBox, "hello", false);
Use the function, since it's a dynamic...
Show some code example, there are two different 'chat' messages, players chat and messages, also is it sent or received?
If you don't use SF API, maybe you forgot to skip the first 8 bits which contains the packet indentifier?
2@ = strlen 0@
3@ = strlen 1@
memcpy(0@ + 2@, 1@, 3@)
memset(0@ + 2@ + 3@, 0, 1) // null char
Also, all these functions(RtlFillMemory, strcat, strcpy etc.) are exported by ntdll, so u can use this tutorial, to make shorter and easier functions.
Read-only segments, like .text(contains executable instructions) or .rdata(contains static constants). Since these are read-only by default, modifying code inside these segments(hooking, byte patching, changing value of constants) without write access for the region would result in an access...
g_RakClient = new RakClient(g_stSAMP->pRakClientInterface);
g_stSAMP->pRakClientInterface = new HookedRakClientInterface();
You need to restore this pointer, before sa-mp calls 'delete' on it, so it can call the right destructor, mod_sa does it by hooking CNetGame destructor.
Well, for some elements(controls etc.) you can find the static size buffer, and just copy to it, for others(input, lists etc.) that use dynamic buffers, you need to find each function.
while true
wait 0
if 0ab0: 49 // press 1
alloc 0@ = 64
format 0@ "hello...
Your offset, 0x6AE30 (0.3.7 R3) is inside a sa-mp font rendering function, nothing related to dialogs. Also is vague which part of the dialog text you want to edit, caption, content, input etc.
The last variable is used to store the return value.
Add the folder where "SAMP_API.h" is located to the include directories in the project settings, or move it to where "main.h" is also, or include it using its relative path to the solution folder.
Why y'all arguing over nothing, especially on Christmas, become like water my friends.
Just for reference, same features(+/-), same ac bypasses(SAMPCAC, ACV2 etc.);
http://phenomz0r.net/ (1500~ active subscribers)
That so-called GPCI unbanner, actually only changes an address which contains the path to the user file directory, now in 0.3DL the same folder is used to store models for caching purpose, but since the mod changes to path to some random gibberish, sa-mp can't open and write to that folder path...
So for a 5 char string like "hello", the first code will loop 58 times instead of 5 times, appreciate the contribution.. but like supahdupahnubah said, there should be no reason to use this over SF strupr/strlwer.
or without SF in a few lines of code
0AA5: call 0x718740 num_params...
Maybe you have mismatched .h/.cpp files, according to the changelog:
- Style: style.WindowTitleAlign is now a ImVec2 (ImGuiAlign enum was removed).
Maybe update to the last version?
Why would i buy and use this instead of using any custom mod_sa/cleo mods?
I'm askin' so don't feed me the "i'm not forcing anyone to buy" bullshit, that's retarded.
LE; there is also a need for two topics? both have the same content.
And where is the problem? The concept is simple
1. Get the local player name(the player who is using the script) -> use SF opcode 0B36
2. Compare the name as string against "Blabla_Blabla" using opcode 0C21.
3. Based on the result from op. 0C21 either allow script execution or terminate it.
Get the local player name .
0B36: samp 0@ = get_player_nickname $PLAYER_CHAR
Compare with 'Blablabla_Blablabla'.
0C21: stricmp string1 0@ string2 "Blablabla_Blablabla"
Based on the result, either allow script or end it using
0A93: end_custom_thread
This is trivial, it can easily be bypassed.
There's no bug, you need to use the snippet like a conditional opcode,
0@ is valid ptr
Nigga, first calm ur tits.
It says the plugin itself(moonloader) does not have any dependencies, since it does not interact with sa-mp etc.
But libraries like samp.lua or other sa-mp integrations might require a specific version of sa-mp/sampfuncs.
wait 100
until 0afa:
0b34: "exitcar" @ exit
while true
wait 0
if 00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving
03C0: 0@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car
0633: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR exit_car
Write them in reverse , if you want to write to a memory RGBA color, you need to write the value as reversed, ABGR.
0A8C: write_memory 0xBAB22C size 4 value 0xAABBGGRR virtual_protect 0
while true
wait 0
if 0AA2: 0@ = loadLib "samp.dll"
000A: 0@ += 0x9D318
0A8C: writeMem 0@ sz 2 val 0x9090 vp 1
0A93: end_custom_thread
or if you use SAMPFUNCS
0B2D: write_samp_memory offset 0x9D318 value 0x9090 size 2
If you want...
Did you move the dialog once? Click the checkbox once to start moving the dialog, uncheck it to save position.
I tested using SF 5.3, CLEO 4.3, all seems to be working, could be your game doesn't have permissions(run as admin) to create files.
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